How the best heavyweight boxer of our time eats: Tyson Fury’s 6,000-calorie diet before the fight with Ngannou

With about two weeks left until the fight, the cham­pi­on is chang­ing his diet to get into peak shape.

Box­er Tyson Fury became a big box­ing star in Novem­ber 2015 when he defeat­ed Wladimir Klitschko. He is now an unde­feat­ed heavy­weight cham­pi­on and one of the best box­ers in his­to­ry.

How does Fury keep his body in shape?

Many peo­ple won­der how Fury can be a great box­er: he is lanky, fat and frankly unsight­ly. In 2018, he gained so much weight that he no longer looked like an ath­lete. At the time, he was depressed, suf­fered from bipo­lar dis­or­der, and con­tem­plat­ed sui­cide.

Fury tri­umphant­ly returned to box­ing, hav­ing lost 55 kilo­grams in six months. Now he is in good shape and is prepar­ing to fight with for­mer UFC cham­pi­on Fran­cis Ngan­nou. He fol­lows a prop­er diet and uses a cus­tomized train­ing pro­gram.

Fury before and after weight loss

Fury’s height is 206 cen­time­ters, his arm span is 216. A spe­cial one was made for Tyson keto­genic dietwhich helps con­trol weight gain. His nutri­tion­ist said this:

“Tyson eats sev­en times a day. For break­fast, he has low-carb bread, avo­ca­do, eggs and low-fat bacon. No sug­ars or toma­toes. Some­times he is allowed to eat his favorite food. He likes fish and chips.

If he fol­lows a diet as expect­ed, he can some­times indulge in some­thing tasty and harm­ful. Every week­end is not pos­si­ble, but some­times it is even use­ful. Every­one thinks that diet­ing is painful and depress­ing. With me you will nev­er suf­fer from a diet. First of all, you have to feed your mind.”

How is Fury preparing for the Ngannou fight?

In the first part of the train­ing camp, Fury is on a mod­er­ate diet. And already in the sec­ond part, he begins to con­sume more calo­ries in order to obtain the nec­es­sary ener­gy.

Asked if Fury was cur­rent­ly con­sum­ing 5,000 calo­ries a day, his nutri­tion­ist said: “Right now I would say it could prob­a­bly be 3,500, but it depends.

As he gets clos­er to the fight, it is clear that the pres­sures are increas­ing. In the last two weeks of prepa­ra­tion, he will prob­a­bly eat between 5,000 and 6,000 calo­ries.”

Fury will fight Ngannou on October 28

Fury him­self is con­fi­dent that diet is the key to suc­cess. He under­stands that he is prone to gain­ing weight, and in order to remain unde­feat­ed, he must keep his body in per­fect shape. Despite all his love for junk food, he does not devi­ate from his diet:

“I’ve boxed all my life, I have a lot of gen­er­al phys­i­cal train­ing and that kind of thing. The most impor­tant thing is food. I believe 90% of it is my diet. She lets me get into shape and every­thing. It cleans­es me and makes me look slim­mer.

How­ev­er, some­times Fury still breaks the rules. In this camp, chick­en nuggets have become his weak­ness, as his nutri­tion­ist com­plains:

“I think it’s because he has sev­en chil­dren. Do you under­stand what I’m talk­ing about? He’s prob­a­bly used to going around and treat­ing him­self to a cou­ple of damn chick­en nuggets here and there!”

Fury will not put his WBC belt on the line against Ngan­nou, will try to avoid injuries and will fight Olek­san­dr Usyk for the absolute cham­pi­on title in Decem­ber. He will have less than two months to pre­pare: the box­er does not con­sid­er Ngan­nou, with whom he will fight on Octo­ber 28, a threat.