McGregor spoke about the next fight: “The greatest comeback in the history of sports”

McGre­gor has in his reper­toire: almost no specifics, but a lot of pompous state­ments.

Conor McGre­gor took to social media to make the announce­ment. He told sub­scribers that he would return to the octa­gon very soon and in 2024 fans would final­ly be able to see the fight of the leg­endary fight­er.

McGre­gor was tight-lipped. “The great­est come­back in the his­to­ry of sports,” — this is how he com­ment­ed on his immi­nent return to the ring, but did not reveal the name of the oppo­nent or the date of the new fight, promis­ing that he would do it on New Year’s Eve — Decem­ber 31. There­fore, fans can only wait and hope that McGre­gor will be cho­sen a wor­thy oppo­nent, and not a lit­tle-known new­com­er or a downed pilot.

Conor McGre­gor for Pres­i­dent of Ire­land: the fight­er announced his readi­ness to stand for elec­tion

The body­builder shared the results of Conor McGre­gor’s tough work­out: try the exer­cis­es from the cham­pi­on

When will Conor McGre­gor return to the Octa­gon? Dana White announced the return of the leg­endary fight­er

When was the last time McGregor fought?

How­ev­er, giv­en that McGre­gor has not been in the ring for a long time, he has prob­a­bly lost his form, so pit­ting him against a strong oppo­nent would be reck­less. The charis­mat­ic Irish­man has not shown a high lev­el for a long time, and he had no prac­tice, so there is no talk of strong oppo­nents.

McGre­gor had his last fight in the sum­mer of 2021, los­ing to Amer­i­can Dustin Poiri­er by tech­ni­cal knock­out. The Irish­man suf­fered a bro­ken leg, from which he recov­ered for a very long time.

How­ev­er, rumors about his return have been cir­cu­lat­ing for a long time. McGre­gor has been ask­ing to get into the ring for a long time, but for many months this was impos­si­ble due to dop­ing restric­tions. The com­mis­sions need­ed to make sure that the ath­lete did not use any­thing pro­hib­it­ed that would give him an advan­tage over oth­er fight­ers.

The dra­ma with the anti-dop­ing agency has been going on for a long time, which has caused great dis­sat­is­fac­tion with McGre­gor. He believes that he is being delib­er­ate­ly deprived of his liveli­hood by lim­it­ing his abil­i­ty to fight.

It has come to the point that on Jan­u­ary 1, 2024, the UFC’s coop­er­a­tion with USADA (anti-dop­ing agency) will be ter­mi­nat­ed due to the MMA promotion’s pol­i­cy towards Conor McGre­gor. The Irish­man, who has­n’t fought since break­ing his leg in a tril­o­gy fight against Dustin Poiri­er in July 2021, was plan­ning to fight this Decem­ber.

The first big step for this was Conor’s return to the USADA test­ing pool — from which he was exclud­ed while in the process of recov­er­ing from injury. But at the same time, it became known that the agency refused to renew the con­tract with the UFC due to the fact that the pro­mo­tion was going to make an excep­tion for McGre­gor.

Accord­ing to USADA rules, Conor McGre­gor can fight no ear­li­er than April 2024, how­ev­er, giv­en the break in the agree­ment, the chances are high that his fight will take place much ear­li­er.