Cristiano Ronaldo gave a watch worth 75 thousand euros to the singer who performed at his mother’s birthday

Cris­tiano Ronal­do not only man­ages to play foot­ball, but also makes beau­ti­ful ges­tures.

On Sun­day, Decem­ber 31, Ronal­do’s moth­er, Dolores Aveiro, cel­e­brat­ed her 69th birth­day. Ronal­do spent New Year’s Eve and his moth­er’s birth­day in his native land — Madeira.

On Sat­ur­day, the day before his depar­ture, he played in a Sau­di Ara­bi­an cham­pi­onship match for Al-Taa­woun and scored a goal. And the very next day I went to vis­it my rel­a­tives in Por­tu­gal.

In hon­or of the hol­i­day, the Al-Nasr for­ward orga­nized a par­ty for his moth­er and gave singer Luis San­tana, who per­formed at the event, an expen­sive watch worth 75 thou­sand euros, which moved the lat­ter to tears.

This is my first expen­sive watch! My first Rolex ever. Touch­ing moment! Receive a gift from such a per­son!“San­tana thanked the foot­ball play­er.

Cris­tiano did not neglect Dolores, hav­ing pre­pared an expen­sive gift for her in advance. He gave his moth­er a late mod­el Porsche Cayenne. The price for it, depend­ing on the con­fig­u­ra­tion, varies from 80 to 100 thou­sand dol­lars.

Dolores could not hold back her tears when she saw the gift. Ronal­do’s sis­ter Katya Aveiro post­ed a video of the foot­ball play­er giv­ing his moth­er a gift on her social net­works.

If she is hap­py, it is because her son remem­bers her, and not because of the cost of the gift. Respect your father, your moth­er and you will live long“,” the footballer’s sis­ter not­ed on her social net­works.

In addi­tion, Ronal­do’s moth­er, Dolores Aveiro, already has at least two expen­sive cars in her fleet, includ­ing a white Porsche Panam­era, which she uses for every­day trips.

Dolores Aveiro's first car

Ear­li­er, Ronal­do gave her a black Mer­cedes-Benz for Moth­er’s Day. While in Ronaldo’s per­son­al fleet, there is no par­tic­u­lar love for the Porsche brand — there are many cars in his per­son­al fleet, but only Fer­rari were in it three times.

Gift from Ronaldo for Mother's Day

Ronal­do scored 54 goals in the cal­en­dar year and became the top scor­er. This sea­son he has already scored 20 goals in 18 league match­es, but his team is still sec­ond, sev­en points behind leader Al-Hilal.