How did the players of the Russian football team celebrate the New Year?

We show how famous foot­ball play­ers cel­e­brat­ed the hol­i­day.

The press ser­vice of the Russ­ian nation­al team pub­lished pho­tographs depict­ing foot­ball play­ers wel­com­ing 2024.

Among them were Dmit­ry Bari­nov from Loko­mo­tiv, Max­im Osipenko from Ros­tov, Alexan­der Sobolev and Anton Zinkovsky from Spar­tak and Matvey Safonov from Krasnodar, who cel­e­brat­ed the New Year with their fam­i­ly and their part­ners.

Alexander Sobolev

For Alexan­der Sobolev, the win­ter hol­i­days were use­ful. He became a co-own­er of a lux­u­ry car rental com­pa­ny in the UAE. How­ev­er, the Spar­tak strik­er decid­ed to cel­e­brate the New Year in Rus­sia with his wife Ele­na and son Sergei near a huge Christ­mas tree.

Sobolev family
Dmitry Barinov

Dmit­ry Bari­nov, Loko­mo­tiv mid­field­er, shared a pho­to with his son, who was born in August 2023. Fans found this par­tic­u­lar pho­to espe­cial­ly cute.

Dmitry Barinov
Anton Zinkovsky

Spar­tak Moscow mid­field­er Anton Zinkovsky chose Moroc­co for the New Year hol­i­days. On social net­works, he shared sev­er­al pho­tographs of Moroc­can nature, but he also did not for­get about the pho­to with the Christ­mas tree, his wife and the dog! Anton and Camil­la got mar­ried when the foot­ball play­er was still play­ing for Krylia.


Denis Glushakov

Not only the nation­al team play­ers, but also the fam­i­ly of for­mer Spar­tak play­er Denis Glushakov shared a New Year’s pho­to in which they, as expect­ed, are dressed in red and white col­ors.


It is note­wor­thy that Arsen Zakharyan dis­tin­guished him­self with the qui­etest hol­i­day. Already on the morn­ing of Jan­u­ary 1, he was in train­ing and prepar­ing for the upcom­ing match.

Zakharyan is train­ing, he is in absolute­ly per­fect con­di­tion and will be ready for tomor­row’s match against Alaves“Sociedad FC said in a state­ment.