“The Kaiser is no more.” Legendary German footballer Franz Beckenbauer dies

In the last years of his life, Beck­en­bauer strug­gled with seri­ous health prob­lems that arose after the death of his son.

Leg­endary Ger­man foot­baller Franz Beck­en­bauer has died at the age of 78. Con­do­lences over the death of the world foot­ball cham­pi­on have already been expressed by his for­mer col­leagues and famous rep­re­sen­ta­tives of this sport.

Beck­en­bauer’s death was announced yes­ter­day by his fam­i­ly. In a state­ment, his fam­i­ly said that the 1974 world cham­pi­on died on Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 7. He passed away in a dream, the clos­est peo­ple were next to him. The caus­es of death are not dis­closed: the champion’s rel­a­tives asked him to “mourn in silence” and refrain from ask­ing any ques­tions.

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At the same time, the Dai­ly Mail report­ed that the legend’s health has grad­u­al­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed since 2015, when his son Ste­fan died. It is alleged that Beck­en­bauer Sr. devel­oped Parkin­son’s dis­ease and also devel­oped heart prob­lems.

Beck­en­bauer repeat­ed­ly won the Ger­man Cham­pi­onship and Cup with Bay­ern Munich and Ham­burg. He won the Euro­pean Cup (an out­dat­ed name for the Cham­pi­ons League) three times, the Euro­pean Cup Win­ners’ Cup and the Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Cup. In addi­tion, the Ger­man defend­er received the Gold­en Ball twice.

The Ger­man’s coach­ing career was also suc­cess­ful. Under his lead­er­ship, the Ger­man nation­al foot­ball team won the 1990 World Cup and also received sil­ver at the 1986 World Cup. As coach of Bay­ern, Beck­en­bauer led the club to vic­to­ry in the Ger­man cham­pi­onship and the UEFA Cup, and helped Mar­seille win the French title.

“Farewell Legend”

In the foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty, Franz Beck­en­bauer received the nick­name “Kaiser”. His style of play large­ly deter­mined the foot­ball style of the sec­ond half of the 20th cen­tu­ry, said UEFA Pres­i­dent Alek­san­dar Čeferin. “Beck­en­bauer’s lega­cy as one of the great­est foot­ballers of all time is beyond doubt. Farewell, true leg­end“reads his state­ment.

His com­pa­tri­ot, head of the Ger­man Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion Bernd Neuen­dorf, also expressed his con­do­lences in con­nec­tion with the death of the foot­ball play­er. “Kaiser was one of the best play­ers our sport has ever seen. With his ease, ele­gance and vision, he set stan­dards on the field.“he wrote.

And FIFA head Gian­ni Infan­ti­no also recalled Beckenbauer’s out­stand­ing per­son­al qual­i­ties. “Despite his pop­u­lar­i­ty, Kaiser always remained hum­ble and down to earth. A tru­ly great man, a friend of foot­ball, a cham­pi­on and a true leg­end, dear Franz will nev­er be for­got­ten.“said the pres­i­dent of the fed­er­a­tion.