Mercedes star Lewis Hamilton joins Ferrari? Historical event in Formula 1

The sev­en-time F1 cham­pi­on has signed a new con­tract until 2025. Mer­cedes employ­ees have already been informed of Hamil­ton’s depar­ture.

Lewis Hamil­ton, a sev­en-time For­mu­la 1 cham­pi­on, will leave the Mer­cedes team and join Fer­rari. Accord­ing to Sky News, the par­ties have reached an agree­ment and announced that the British dri­ver will join Fer­rari next sea­son. Dur­ing the tran­si­tion, Hamil­ton can replace Sainz — his rac­ing part­ner also extend­ed his con­tract for two years.

Why is Hamilton’s transition historic?

For­mu­la 1 fans will remem­ber that Hamil­ton won six titles with Mer­cedes between 2014 and 2020. In 2021, Lewis lost to Red Bul­l’s Max Ver­stap­pen on the final lap of the final race. Mer­cedes suf­fered mis­for­tune over the next two sea­sons, with the team only win­ning one race in 2022.

In 2013, Hamil­ton also unex­pect­ed­ly moved to Mer­cedes from McLaren. Fer­rari had already offered the British dri­ver a deal, but the dri­ver reject­ed the offers. Appar­ent­ly, after an unsuc­cess­ful sea­son at Mer­cedes, the ath­lete sees prospects for devel­op­ment in Fer­rari. If Hamil­ton does sign the con­tract, he will join the team in 2025.

Hamil­ton’s depar­ture puts Mer­cedes at risk: the dri­ver does not believe that the team will be able to recov­er from unsuc­cess­ful sea­sons due to tech­ni­cal errors. Fans were con­fi­dent that Lewis would remain at Mer­cedes for the rest of his career.

“I think Lewis needs to change teams. He has­n’t won for sev­er­al years. We see that he has changed his approach.”
Mar­tin Brun­dle For­mer For­mu­la 1 dri­ver
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Hamilton is already making plans for his “retirement”

Pre­vi­ous­ly, experts sug­gest­ed that Lewis could retire in 2024. All because of the unsuc­cess­ful results of the sea­sons.

In an inter­view, the 39-year-old For­mu­la 1 star admit­ted that after retir­ing, he would like to climb Ever­est: “This is a seri­ous chal­lenge that tests your phys­i­cal and men­tal fit­ness. Can I han­dle it? Will I be able to reach the top? I would try and at the same time raise mon­ey for some good cause. And I want to go down from Ever­est by paraglid­ing.”