What is 3D training and how can it help you feel better?

Clas­sic gym work­outs have a draw­back that pre­vents them from ful­ly ton­ing the body.

Most mature peo­ple go to the gym not for excel­lent appear­ance or records, but to feel healthy, con­fi­dent and fit. Few peo­ple are will­ing to spend dozens of hours a week cre­at­ing an ide­al fig­ure in the style of body­build­ing leg­ends. And, by the way, most peo­ple don’t need this: just strong mus­cles, a toned body and ease of move­ment.

How­ev­er, there is a prob­lem: clas­si­cal strength train­ing, which is con­sid­ered the stan­dard for achiev­ing these goals, gives mus­cle growth, but can­not pro­vide the nec­es­sary strength and flex­i­bil­i­ty and, for exam­ple, does not allow you to avoid injuries due to rou­tine house­hold chores. Why is this hap­pen­ing?

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The fact is that our body exists in three-dimen­sion­al space, and most of the move­ments in the gym are per­formed in a two-dimen­sion­al plane. There can be sev­er­al of these planes:

  • sagit­tal. Imag­ine that our body is divid­ed in half, into left and right sides. This is how the sagit­tal plane divides it. The main move­ments in this plane are flex­ion and exten­sion;
  • frontal. In this plane, our body is divid­ed into front and back. Tilts to the right and left are the main move­ments along this plane;
  • hor­i­zon­tal. In this plane we per­form rota­tion, i.e. rota­tion.
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Almost all move­ments that we per­form every day, in one way or anoth­er, involve sev­er­al planes at once. For exam­ple, we are car­ry­ing a heavy box home using the sagit­tal plane (arms are bent), we were called, we turned around using the hor­i­zon­tal plane.

And the prob­lem is that due to the low lev­el of stress in every­day life, which we com­pen­sate for at the gym (unsuc­cess­ful­ly), we do not allow the brain to devel­op neu­ro­mus­cu­lar con­nec­tions to per­form com­plex move­ments. There­fore, work around the house or in the coun­try often leads to injuries even for peo­ple who play sports (per­son­al expe­ri­ence con­firms this).

This is where 3D train­ing can come to the res­cue. Using them:

  • the body comes into bal­ance, dis­com­fort and pain decrease;
  • coor­di­na­tion and bal­ance are improved;
  • mus­cles are strength­ened;
  • joints become health­i­er;
  • pos­ture improves.
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At its core, 3D train­ing involves the use of exer­cis­es with more move­ments than clas­si­cal train­ing. These move­ments require some skill and prac­tice, but due to the lack of addi­tion­al weights, the risk of injury is min­i­mal.

Should I give up strength training?

You can often come across the opin­ion that 3D train­ing can com­plete­ly replace fit­ness. This is mis­take. It is best if you com­bine sev­er­al types of activ­i­ties at once.

For exam­ple, use strength train­ing and car­dio in the gym, and use 3D move­ments when exer­cis­ing to keep your mus­cles toned and help your joints and lig­a­ments work bet­ter. Per­haps this is the best com­bi­na­tion that will give an excel­lent heal­ing effect.