Messi will not return to Barcelona this winter after failure in the USA: his native club does not need him

It looks like the great foot­baller will not be fight­ing for the title until the end of the sea­son for the first time in a long time.

When Mes­si moved to Inter Mia­mi, he impressed with his good per­for­mances in the first match­es. In recent weeks, the Argen­tinean has not been on the field because he was injured.

With­out a leader, Inter Mia­mi failed and lost all chances of par­tic­i­pat­ing in the play­offs. Against this back­ground, rumors appeared that Mes­si could go on loan to Barcelona.

Inter Miami’s failures could affect Messi

In the last match, Inter Mia­mi lost to Cincin­nati (0:1) in the MLS reg­u­lar sea­son match. After the fail­ure, the club lost even its the­o­ret­i­cal chances of ris­ing above 10th place. Of course, this is a big dis­ap­point­ment for Mes­si, because he came to fight for the title, not for sur­vival.

Inter Mia­mi scored only 33 points in 32 match­es. The team cur­rent­ly ranks in penul­ti­mate 14th place in the MLS East­ern Con­fer­ence table. And many decid­ed that before the sum­mer Mes­si could move to his native Barcelona, ​​where he want­ed to return before mov­ing to the USA.

“I want­ed to come back, but the club needs to sell play­ers and reduce salaries. I didn’t want to go through this again, I was already accused of some­thing that was not true,” Mes­si said then.

Why doesn’t Messi go to Barcelona?

Accord­ing to Mun­do Deporti­vo, Barcelona are not even think­ing about sign­ing Mes­si in Jan­u­ary. They have com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent pri­or­i­ties for the win­ter trans­fer win­dow. The club is in a finan­cial cri­sis: Barcelona has a lim­it­ed bud­get and can­not afford Mes­si’s salary.

Barcelona believes that even if Leo agrees to a low­er salary, this will not bring the sign­ing clos­er. After all, La Liga has strict con­trol: they may con­sid­er that the salary is much high­er and block the trans­fer.

The pri­or­i­ty for Barcelona in the win­ter win­dow will be the pur­chase of young Vitor Roque, who is seen as a new play­er of the main team. Inter Mia­mi coach Ger­ar­do Mar­ti­no con­firmed that he knows noth­ing about Mes­si’s pos­si­ble loan move:

“Maybe he will go to rest? Per­haps he is going to vis­it Barcelona. Oth­er than that, I don’t know any­thing else about it.”