“Go to the stadium for an orgasm”: a Russian football player wore a T‑shirt with a vulgar inscription because of male impotence

The Paris NN play­er came out wear­ing an unusu­al T‑shirt before the match with Krylia Sove­tov, sur­pris­ing the fans.

A fun­ny inci­dent hap­pened in the RPL: ​​while every­one was watch­ing the der­by between Spar­tak and CSKA, Pari NN tried to car­ry out an unusu­al action. The club defeat­ed Krylia Sove­tov and was remem­bered for the strange T‑shirt in which the team’s defend­er Dmit­ry Zhivo­glyadov came out.

What T‑shirt did the Paris NN defender wear?

Gen­er­al Direc­tor of Paris NN David Melik-Guseinov said after the match that the team’s defend­er Zhivo­glyadov was sup­posed to give an inter­view to Match TV wear­ing a T‑shirt with the inscrip­tion “Go to the sta­di­um for an orgasm!” But he was banned, so he had to change the design:

The action has a back­sto­ry — it’s all because of a meme that is pop­u­lar in Nizh­ny Nov­gorod. It was born from a Sep­tem­ber inter­view with a sex­ol­o­gist on the Open Nizh­ny por­tal, which was called “Nizh­ny Nov­gorod women com­plain about the lack of orgasm.”

Why was the football player banned from wearing a T‑shirt?

Melik-Guseinov said that the RPL man­age­ment for­bade wear­ing a T‑shirt. But the orga­ni­za­tion lat­er replied that they did not pro­hib­it any­thing, and the whole sto­ry with the T‑shirt was a PR cam­paign for Pari NN.

“One of the news sto­ries was relat­ed to the fact that females expe­ri­ence cer­tain dif­fi­cul­ties in terms of their phys­i­o­log­i­cal sat­is­fac­tion. We just want­ed to say that you can come to the sta­di­um for bright emo­tions,” explained Melik-Huseinov.

In the telegram chan­nel, the func­tionary devel­oped the top­ic of orgasm and pub­lished a tri­umphant video from the lock­er room, under which he wrote: “We did it! It’s called a “foot­ball orgasm.” Don’t be ashamed of your emo­tions. That’s life. And she can be like that.”


Melik-Guseinov is sure that there is noth­ing vul­gar in the club’s action and regrets that Zhivo­glyadov was not allowed to wear a T‑shirt:

“We don’t see any­thing obscene or vul­gar in this. Edu­cat­ed peo­ple will under­stand that these are just words that car­ry a pos­i­tive charge. There is no neg­a­tiv­i­ty or vul­gar­i­ty in them.”

He added that with such an action the club want­ed to attract fans to the stands. By the way, Pari NN, led by Sergei Yuran, bril­liant­ly beat Krylya Sove­tov with a score of 2:0. Although the Sama­ra team is con­sid­ered the sen­sa­tion of the cham­pi­onship, they are in excel­lent shape (they beat Spar­tak 4:0) and are in the top three.