A terrible incident in French football: the goalkeeper received a concussion after an explosion on the field — he was rescued on a stretcher

Many could not believe that this hap­pened in one of the best Euro­pean cham­pi­onships, and doc­tors urgent­ly hos­pi­tal­ized the vic­tim.

Last week­end, the next round of the French League 1 took place. The match between out­siders Mont­pel­li­er and Cler­mont thun­dered more than the rest. All because of the crim­i­nal behav­ior of the home team’s fans, who inter­rupt­ed the match and injured one of the play­ers.

How did the match develop?

Mont­pel­lier’s home match against Cler­mont in the 8th round of Ligue 1 was not com­plet­ed due to an injury to vis­it­ing goal­keep­er Mau­ry Dio. More­over, he received it not dur­ing the game, but because of the opponent’s aggres­sive fans.

The match was going in favor of Mont­pel­li­er, which by the 93rd minute was win­ning 4:2. At the same time, the vic­to­ry would have been strong-willed — from the 55th minute Mont­pel­li­er played in the minor­i­ty. By the way, ex-foot­ballers of Spar­tak Moscow Max­i­m­il­iano Cofrier and Shamar Nichol­son played for Cler­mont.

Shamar Nicholson from Spartak now plays for Claremont

What happened to the goalkeeper?

Already in extra time, when the match was being played out, Mont­pel­li­er fans threw fire­crack­ers at Cler­mont goal­keep­er Mau­ry Diot. It explod­ed right at the foot­ball player’s feet, and he lost con­scious­ness. Doc­tors car­ried Dio off the field on a stretch­er, and ref­er­ee Flo­rent Bat­ta end­ed the match ear­ly, send­ing the play­ers to the lock­er rooms.

At the same time, he man­aged to equal­ize the line­ups: in the same episode, Cler­mont mid­field­er Vival­do Borges do San­tos Neto showed the mid­dle fin­ger to the stands, receiv­ing a straight red card.

Accord­ing to the pre­lim­i­nary ver­sion, Dio suf­fered a con­cus­sion from a fire­crack­er explo­sion. It turns out that the fans stole the vic­to­ry from their club: the match was not com­plet­ed and it is very like­ly that Mont­pel­li­er will be award­ed a tech­ni­cal defeat.

The fans will also receive severe pun­ish­ment, because often in such cas­es the team is forced to play a cer­tain num­ber of match­es in emp­ty stands. By the way, this is not the first shock­ing offense of French fans — before this, they gave my father a heart attack in front of his fam­i­ly in the stands.