The 16-year-old prodigy saves Barcelona and sets goal records: he is already being called the new Messi

He delight­ed the foot­ball world with his play even when he was a child and trained at the Cata­lan acad­e­my.

Lamin Yamal is a teenage star who shines for Barcelona. The 16-year-old strik­er is com­pared to Mes­si, because he should be in school, but is already scor­ing for the Barça senior team.

Yamal sets records and fol­lows Mes­si’s sched­ule, being con­sid­ered one of the most tal­ent­ed stu­dents in the his­to­ry of the club.

Yamal sets records: first in the Champions League, now in La Liga

Yamal became known to a wide audi­ence in April 2023, when he first joined Barcelona and took to the field. Then Cata­lan coach Xavi high­ly praised the 15-year-old for­ward:

“Believe me, Yamal has tru­ly amaz­ing skills. He can start a new era at this club. We are not afraid to call him because he is able to help us, even though he is 15 years old. He has a lot of strong indi­vid­ual qual­i­ties and tal­ent.”

In the fall, Yamal began to join the team and set records. In ear­ly Octo­ber, he became the youngest play­er to start a Cham­pi­ons League game. At the time of the match, the for­ward was 16 years and 83 days old. At the end of the match, Yamal ran to the toi­let and did not return — his stom­ach hurt, which often hap­pens dur­ing ner­vous ten­sion.

In a recent round of the Span­ish Cham­pi­onship, Yamal set a new record, becom­ing the youngest goal scor­er in the his­to­ry of La Liga. The foot­baller scored against Grana­da and start­ed the Cata­lans’ come­back with the score 0:2 (it all end­ed in a draw).

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At the same time, Yamal’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in the match did not come as a sur­prise. This sea­son he has played nine games for Barcelona in the Span­ish Cham­pi­onship, pro­vid­ing two assists.

Why is Yamal called the new Messi?

Yamal is not eth­ni­cal­ly Span­ish: his father is from Moroc­co, his moth­er is from Guinea. But the boy grew up in Mataro, a sub­urb of Barcelona, ​​where from the age of 5 he attend­ed La Masia, the Barcelona acad­e­my.

From an ear­ly age, Yamal stood out among his peers with his drib­bling and high speed. Video clips of his goals became pop­u­lar long before his debut in the senior team, as the fame of the prodi­gy from the Barcelona acad­e­my reached the fans:

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Yamal pro­gressed quick­ly, so he played for teams three to four years old­er. The trend has con­tin­ued in adult foot­ball: at the age of 16, play­ing for a club of the lev­el of Barcelona is a seri­ous suc­cess.

Yamal plays in the attack: either in the cen­ter or on the right flank. Many peo­ple note his gor­geous left leg, in which he is sim­i­lar to Mes­si. They are also sim­i­lar in anthro­pom­e­try; Yamal is also short — only 165 cm.

Mes­si was con­sid­ered a prodi­gy from his youth and began play­ing for Barcelona ear­ly — Yamal fol­lows the same sched­ule. At the same time, many note that the young forward’s style of play also strong­ly resem­bles Ney­mar.

Yamal decid­ed on his sports cit­i­zen­ship and chose the Span­ish nation­al team, although at some point he thought about Moroc­co, his his­tor­i­cal home­land.

How­ev­er, Yamal is not over-praised by the lead­er­ship, because “new Mes­sis” reg­u­lar­ly appear all over the world and do not achieve suc­cess. Barcelona had the unsuc­cess­ful exam­ple of prodi­gies Ansu Fati and Boy­an Krkic, so they try not to over­es­ti­mate the suc­cess of Yamal, despite all his incli­na­tions.