Pep Guardiola revealed who he considers Manchester City’s main rival

Pep Guardi­o­la called Liv­er­pool the main rival of Man City under him. The meet­ings of these clubs have been con­sid­ered true Eng­lish clas­sics for the last 5–6 years. Ini­tial­ly, the start­ing line­ups of both clubs were unknown due to injuries. For exam­ple, Haaland’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this match was in ques­tion among the “cit­i­zens”.

Man­ches­ter City head coach Josep Guardi­o­la told who he con­sid­ers the main rival of the “towns­peo­ple”:

Liv­er­pool has always been our main rival. They had a lot of injuries last sea­son. But this is a top club, a top team, and we are look­ing for­ward to the match.

If com­pared with “Bar­soy” And “Real”, “City“was­n’t in the top for 20–30 years, but “Liv­er­pool” was. In the last decade “Liv­er­pool“was our best oppo­nent, that’s the real­i­ty”, the Man­ches­ter Evening News quotes the expert as say­ing.

Pep Guardi­o­la him­self believes that the coach “Liv­er­pool” made it bet­ter: “Of course, he made me bet­ter, him and his team. “Liv­er­pool” And “Borus­sia“We have always been strong com­peti­tors, we played well and beau­ti­ful­ly

In turn, yes­ter­day, the head coach of Liv­er­pool Jür­gen Klopp com­ment­ed on whether he con­sid­ers the con­fronta­tion with Man­ches­ter City to be the biggest in the Eng­lish Pre­mier League.

I don’t know, but these are the most dif­fi­cult games that will last for years. Fans define such con­fronta­tions. If we talk about foot­ball, we need­ed time so that we could com­pete on the field and par­tic­i­pate in big match­es”, sums up Klopp for the Liv­er­pool Echo.

The match took place today at 15:30, Novem­ber 25. Accord­ing to the results of which, “Man­ches­ter city“played a draw at home with “Liv­er­pool”— 1:1.

The meet­ings between Man­ches­ter City and Liv­er­pool have been con­sid­ered true Eng­lish clas­sics for the last 5–6 years. Ini­tial­ly, the start­ing line­ups of both clubs were unknown due to injuries. So, for exam­ple, Haaland’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in this match was in ques­tion among the “cit­i­zens,” but sur­pris­ing­ly: he took the field and set a new record!

Erling Haaland scored 50 goals in the Premier League faster than anyone else!
Erling Holland

Pri­or to this, Erling scored 50 goals faster than any­one in Bun­desli­ga his­to­ry.

Erling Haa­land scored his 50th goal in 2023 (Ronal­do cur­rent­ly has 48 goals and Mbappe has 47). He equaled Bay­ern and Eng­land strik­er Har­ry Kane in these fig­ures. The video of the “anniver­sary” goal can be viewed below.

Click and watch

To score 50 goals in the Eng­lish Pre­mier League, Haa­land need­ed 48 match­es.

He set a record — no one has ever man­aged to do it faster! Jour­nal­ist James Duck­er shared on his social net­works that the author of the pre­vi­ous record was Andy Colewho scored 50-th goal in 65th match nuclear sub­ma­rine.