The UFC revealed the secret of the legendary fight between Nurmagomedov and McGregor: “Khabib lost the round on purpose”

The Dages­tan fight­er delib­er­ate­ly gave up one round to the Irish­man at UFC 229. This was stat­ed by pro­mo­tion com­men­ta­tor Joe Rogan.

Dages­tan fight­er Khabib Nur­magome­dov delib­er­ate­ly lost a round in a fight against Irish­man Conor McGre­gor at the UFC 229 tour­na­ment. Pro­mo­tion com­men­ta­tor Joe Rogan spoke about this on his pod­cast.

Fight of the century

The meet­ing of two cham­pi­onship leg­ends in the octa­gon took place in Octo­ber 2018 in the vicin­i­ty of Las Vegas and became the main event of the tour­na­ment. Khabib won the fight: he used a choke hold, forc­ing his oppo­nent to sur­ren­der in the fourth round.

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Nur­magome­dov lat­er called this vic­to­ry the main one in his career. At the same time, dur­ing the fight he lost one round — and Joe Rogan con­sid­ers this not the weak­ness of the Russ­ian ath­lete, but his cun­ning. “It looked like Khabib delib­er­ate­ly took a break for one round so that he could put a lot of pres­sure on Conor.”, not­ed the com­men­ta­tor. Accord­ing to him, in this way Nur­magome­dov forced the Irish­man to slow down, and then per­formed a take­down “and beat the crap out of him.”

The fight of the night at UFC 229 brought in a whop­ping $86.4 mil­lion in rev­enue for the pro­mo­tion. This fig­ure remains a record for the cham­pi­onship.

The meet­ing between McGre­gor and Khabib was the only one in their careers. She made Nur­magome­dov the UFC light­weight cham­pi­on, and two years lat­er the Dages­tani fought his last fight. After win­ning the fight with Amer­i­can Justin Gaeth­je, he announced his retire­ment from pro­fes­sion­al sports, say­ing that he promised his moth­er not to fight with­out his father, who died in the sum­mer of 2020.

Where are Khabib Nurmagomedov and Conor McGregor now?

Now Khabib Nur­magome­dov is focus­ing on fam­i­ly affairs and coach­ing — the famous MMA coach Javier Mendez, who was pre­vi­ous­ly the Dagestani’s men­tor, spoke about this in the sum­mer of 2023. He stat­ed that, despite the end of his career as a pro­fes­sion­al fight­er, Khabib did not give up the sport and con­tin­ues to train.

In addi­tion, he him­self works with ath­letes. “He con­tin­ues to train, he just doesn’t go to for­eign train­ing camps and doesn’t become his guys’ sec­ond.”“,” Mendez not­ed.

Conor McGre­gor, in turn, has not appeared in the Octa­gon for a long time. His return to the UFC was announced at the begin­ning of 2023, but so far it has not tak­en place. But the ath­lete reg­u­lar­ly becomes the hero of scan­dalous pub­li­ca­tions. The lat­ter were asso­ci­at­ed with his crit­i­cism of the Irish author­i­ties: the fight­er called for “changes” after the riots in Dublin, which took place due to an attack by a migrant on a woman with chil­dren.