Russian referees may soon work on matches with Ronaldo and Benzema

In the near future, Russ­ian ref­er­ees will again begin work­ing at match­es of for­eign teams. It is report­ed that RFU ref­er­ees will offi­ci­ate at the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Cham­pi­onship games. Many famous foot­ballers cur­rent­ly play there, such as Cris­tiano Ronal­do, Ney­mar and Karim Ben­ze­ma. And the Saud­is will work at RPL match­es.

The Russ­ian Foot­ball Union signs an agree­ment on the exchange of ref­er­ees with Sau­di Ara­bia. It is report­ed that RFU ref­er­ees will offi­ci­ate at the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Cham­pi­onship games. Sau­di Ara­bi­an ref­er­ees, in turn, will work at match­es in Rus­sia.

Per­haps we will soon see a new meet­ing between Sergei Kara­sev and Cris­tiano Ronal­do.

“If Ronaldo deserves to be sent off, I will send him off.”

In 2015, before the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship, he already said that he would not be afraid to send off Por­tu­gal strik­er Cris­tiano Ronal­do if he deserved it.

Play­ers should mind their own busi­ness and their author­i­ty should not influ­ence the ref­er­ees. So if Ronal­do deserves to be sent off, I will send him off. And there’s noth­ing to be ashamed of here

Sergei worked only one match with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Ronal­do – “Real” And “Schalke” Sergei could have met Cris­tiano twice more, but Cris­tiano did not appear on the field.

On Sep­tem­ber 19, 2018, Sergei Kara­sev worked the Cham­pi­ons League game between “Juven­tus” And “Young Boys» (3:0). Ronal­do was serv­ing a one-match sus­pen­sion at the time. Then the foot­baller hit defend­er Jason Muril­lo with his body.

It was the first time the Por­tuguese strik­er had been sent off in 15 years of play­ing in the Cham­pi­ons League.

A month and a half lat­er, Kara­sev already ref­er­eed the match between Por­tu­gal and Poland in the League of Nations (1:1). Cris­tiano was not called to the nation­al team then — there was an inves­ti­ga­tion into the pos­si­ble rape of the Amer­i­can mod­el Kather­ine May­or­ga. In the sum­mer of 2019, the case against Ronal­do was closed.

“Decent money, but not mountains of gold, as they think”

Sergey Kara­sev already worked at match­es in Sau­di Ara­bia with his assis­tants: Igor Demeshko and Max­im Gavrilin in March last year. Then Vitaly Meshkov was on VAR.

The Russ­ian ref­er­ee ref­er­eed five games in the Mid­dle East: Al-Nasr lost twice under him.

But then Ronal­do and oth­er stars were not in the league yet. The Saud­is trust for­eign ref­er­ees from one to three match­es on tour, depend­ing on the sta­tus and com­plex­i­ty of the match.

This is a seri­ous game, plus ref­er­ee­ing is dis­cussed there no less, and maybe even more than here. But after the game there were pos­i­tive reviews from all the employ­ees. So every­one is hap­py