Top scorers in UEFA Champions League history

We have col­lect­ed for you the top 5 best scor­ers in the his­to­ry of the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League!

The first UEFA Cham­pi­ons League was held in the 1992/93 sea­son. Today this tour­na­ment is asso­ci­at­ed with the best strik­ers in the his­to­ry of foot­ball. Ronal­do and Mes­si are the only play­ers who have scored more than 100 goals in the his­to­ry of the tour­na­ment.

1st place – Cristiano Ronaldo (140 goals)

Ronal­do is both the top scor­er in the Cham­pi­ons League and Euro­pean Cups, as well as the top scor­er at nation­al team lev­el. Through­out his career he scored 857 balls.

Recent­ly, the pres­i­dent of Por­to offered him a chal­lenge — to score 1000 goals. “But before I reach 1000, I want to reach 900. I am con­fi­dent in 900 goals, but for 1000 I will have to over­come more than one obsta­cle.

There have been some things that have hap­pened in my life, per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al, that force me to make short-term plans. My body reacts well to the load, I hap­pi­ly play for both the club and the nation­al team, I score”, said the for­ward.

Of these, 111 goals in 180 match­es for the Por­tuguese nation­al team.

  • The best scor­er in the his­to­ry of the Cham­pi­ons League — Cris­tiano has 140 goals. The foot­baller scored in 11 Cham­pi­ons League match­es in a row.
In 2nd place – Leo Messi (129 goals)

Lionel Mes­si is a four-time tour­na­ment win­ner, for­mer Barcelona strik­er and cur­rent PSG strik­er. Lionel Mes­si was the tour­na­men­t’s sec­ond top scor­er with 129 goals.

Mes­si’s goals-per-game ratio is high­er than Ronal­do’s: 0.82 goals per game. Leo’s last Cham­pi­ons League tri­umph came in the 2014–15 sea­son under Luis Enrique, when the famous trio of him­self, Luis Suarez and MSN Ney­mar tor­ment­ed their oppo­nents for glo­ry.

In 3rd place – Robert Lewandowski (92 goals)

Barcelona for­ward Robert Lewandows­ki moved into third place in the list of top scor­ers in the his­to­ry of the Cham­pi­ons League. He has 92 goals.

After play­ing for two years at Lech Poz­nan, Lewandows­ki moved to Borus­sia in 2010. Then they paid 4,750,000 euros for it.

At first, the coach only released him as a sub­sti­tute, and only after the injury of Lucas Bar­rios, his main com­peti­tor for a place in the line­up, Robert moved to the main team.

The fol­low­ing sea­son, Robert was rec­og­nized by UEFA as the best play­er in the Bun­desli­ga, and became third in the cham­pi­onship scor­ing race.

It is worth not­ing that lit­er­al­ly all the men­tors who worked with Lewandows­ki assured that it was one or the oth­er who was the first to notice the guy’s tal­ent. Robert often men­tions that the key to his suc­cess is the sup­port of his fam­i­ly and hard work every day.

In 4th place – Karim Benzema (90 goals)
Karim Benzema

Ben­ze­ma moved into fourth place in the list of top scor­ers in the Cham­pi­ons League. Karim Ben­ze­ma took his UEFA Cham­pi­ons League tal­ly to 90 goals after a fruit­ful 18 sea­sons in Europe. The French­man is a clear fourth in the tour­na­men­t’s all-time top scor­er race.

Ben­ze­ma scored his first goal on his Cham­pi­ons League debut on Decem­ber 6, 2005, help­ing Lyon beat Rosen­borg 2–1. At that time, Ben­ze­ma was 17 years old. In 2009, he moved from France to Madrid and con­tin­ued to play and score in the Cham­pi­ons League. The 35-year-old Ben­ze­ma has scored at least one goal in 18 con­sec­u­tive sea­sons. Thus, he repeat­ed Lionel Mes­si’s record.

5th place – Raul Gonzalez

Raul is a three-time win­ner of the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League. He is the top five scor­er in the his­to­ry of the tour­na­ment, six-time cham­pi­on of Spain, 5 times rec­og­nized as foot­baller of the year in Spain.

Raul is now one of Real Madrid’s three can­di­dates to replace Car­lo Ancelot­ti.

“I still strive for a lot and I’m still as hun­gry to win as I was when I first start­ed play­ing foot­ball. I don’t play to set indi­vid­ual records, but to cel­e­brate win­ning new titles at the end of each sea­son.”