The IRONSTAR sports festival will be held in October at Sirius

From Octo­ber 6 to 8, the IRONSTAR sports fes­ti­val will be held in Sir­ius (Sochi), with­in which the main triathlon race of the sea­son will be held — IRONSTAR 226 SOCHI SIRIUS 2023. This is an “iron dis­tance”, which includes 3.86 km of swim­ming, 180 km cycling and 42 km run­ning.

The three days of the fes­ti­val will be intense. About 6,000 peo­ple will take part in the event. On Fri­day, the STARKIDS chil­dren’s race, the IRONLADY wom­en’s five-kilo­me­ter race and the SWIMSTAR 1.8 and 3.8 km swims will be held.

Sat­ur­day and Sun­day are ded­i­cat­ed exclu­sive­ly to triathlon. On Octo­ber 7, par­tic­i­pants will have “iron” and “half-iron” dis­tances – 226 and 113 km. To over­come them, ath­letes will need on aver­age 12 and 6 hours, respec­tive­ly. The fastest over­com­ing of the full dis­tance among male ama­teur triath­letes belongs to Egor Vino­gradov, he fin­ished with a time of 8 hours 22 min­utes 24 sec­onds. At the IRONSTAR 226 SOCHI dis­tance among ama­teurs, Yulian Demyanov has the high­est result in 2021: 08 hours 27 min­utes 4 sec­onds. On the same day, on Sat­ur­day, the Russ­ian Long Dis­tance Triathlon Cham­pi­onship will take place.

On Sun­day, the fes­ti­val will end with triathlon com­pe­ti­tions at OLYMPIC dis­tances (1.5 km swim­ming, 40 km cycling, 10.5 km run­ning) and the short­est — SPRINT (0.75 km swim­ming, 20 km cycling, 5.25 km run­ning).

The routes of all com­pe­ti­tions take place along a pic­turesque route. The swim­ming stage will take place in the bay of the Imereti port. The route of the cycling stage begins on the coast, and then goes into the moun­tains along the Adler — Kras­naya Polyana high­way. The final, run­ning stage will take place along the Black Sea coast and a pic­turesque pier, from which a view of the start­ing town opens.

“We are all look­ing for­ward to the grand finale of the sea­son at Sir­ius. This is the cul­mi­na­tion of a series of com­pe­ti­tions for the major­i­ty of Russ­ian triath­letes. Four triathlon dis­tances, the Russ­ian Cham­pi­onship, swims, races, a huge Expo area — this is a real sports fes­ti­val, where both pro­fes­sion­als and ama­teurs from all over the coun­try will gath­er. We also expect a large num­ber of para-ath­letes — twice as many as last year. It is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for us to give ath­letes with dis­abil­i­ties the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a full part of our sports com­mu­ni­ty,” shared IRONSTAR Gen­er­al Direc­tor, Vladimir Sheikin.