The Manchester United coach announced a list of 5 players whom he considers to be the “strongest links”

Erik ten Hag names 5 Man­ches­ter Unit­ed play­ers who demon­strate lead­er­ship qual­i­ties. Casemiro and Mar­tinez are gone now, so oth­ers have to take on that role.

In this list, accord­ing to Eri­ca ten Hagainclud­ed Har­ry Maguire and Scott McTom­i­nay, whom Man­ches­ter Unit­ed were ready to sell last sum­mer.

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed“lost 9 of the first 17 match­es of the sea­son. This is their worst start since the 1973/74 sea­son, which saw the club rel­e­gat­ed to the sec­ond divi­sion.

The list includes: Harry Maguire

Their lat­est defeat in Copen­hagen left the club in last place in the Cham­pi­ons League. They have already lost 5 out of 11 match­es Pre­mier Leagueget­ting ready to accept Luton Town today at 18:00 Novem­ber 11, 2023.

Last sea­son in the team’s core ten Hag put a cou­ple of cen­tral defend­ers Raphael Varane, Lisan­dro Mar­tinez and sup­port­ing them in mid­field Casemiro.

Mar­tinez And Casemiro injured and will not return to duty until win­ter 2023.

Bruno Fernandes

Maguire And McTom­i­nayfor each of which they were ready to pay in the trans­fer win­dow £30 mil­lions, took their places and impressed the Dutch coach with their lead­er­ship qual­i­ties.

Casemiro and Martinez are gone now, so others have to take on this role»
Andre Onana

We def­i­nite­ly have such play­ers, said the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed coach when asked if there were lead­ers in the squad who could lead less expe­ri­enced play­ers. — You men­tioned Rafubut I will also call Andre Onana, Har­ry Maguire, Scott McTom­i­naywho show lead­er­ship qual­i­ties in such moments, and Brunoof course.”

Scott McTominay

“We have enough play­ers with strong char­ac­ter who can lead the team. Casemiro and Mar­tinez are gone now, so oth­ers have to take on this role

In this Cham­pi­ons League, Unit­ed leads in the num­ber of goals con­ced­ed. “Bavaria» scored 2 team goals for 4 min­utes, Turk­ish “Galatasaray» – 2 behind 10 min­utes took the penal­ty between them, “Copen­hagen» scored 2 goals for 9 nine min­utes of the first half and more 2 on 83 And 87 minute.

Raphael Varan

We know we make mis­takes in the last min­utes and we need to cor­rect that because we need to defend our box bet­ter“- said the head coach of the Eng­lish club.

“The prob­lem is not tac­tics. The play­ers know what to do in such moments; the first goal was scored from a set piece. We have to deal with these sit­u­a­tions on both an indi­vid­ual and team lev­el.”

“I think we can play bet­ter, but the injuries are not help­ing. We often have to change the back four, and this does not allow us to play well. At such moments, team chem­istry is very impor­tant.”

“I was very pleased with the game in Copen­hagen. Before the send­ing off, this was our best game this sea­son. There was good bal­ance in mid­field and through­out the pitch. We played very well, that’s the kind of game I want to see.”