Manchester United plan to dump three of their prized strikers in January

Man­ches­ter Unit­ed have iden­ti­fied three main play­ers they want to sell dur­ing the trans­fer win­dow. Span­ish news­pa­per Mun­do Deporti­vo has already shared infor­ma­tion that Barcelona are inter­est­ed in sign­ing these play­ers.

Jim Rat­cliffe will become a share­hold­er in Man­ches­ter Unit­ed in the com­ing weeks. The head of chem­i­cal com­pa­ny Ineos will buy a 25% stake in the club for £1.25 bil­lion. He plans to invest 245 mil­lion pounds (27 bil­lion rubles) to the club.

Sir Rat­cliffe is set to offi­cial­ly become a minor­i­ty share­hold­er of the Red Dev­ils dur­ing the Novem­ber inter­na­tion­al break. Most like­ly, this will hap­pen next week.

Jim Ratcliffe will become a Manchester United shareholder in the coming weeks

The bil­lion­aire and one of the rich­est men in Britain wants to con­trol the club’s foot­ball activ­i­ties. Man­ches­ter Unit­ed man­age­ment has already deter­mined 3 the main play­ers they will “get rid of” dur­ing the Jan­u­ary trans­fer win­dow.

Jadon San­cho, Antho­ny and Antho­ny Mar­tial will be sold in Jan­u­ary.

Anthony Martial

The Span­ish news­pa­per Mun­do Deporti­vo has already shared infor­ma­tion that “Barcelona» inter­est­ed in sign­ing Jadon San­cho and Mar­tial. The Man­cu­ni­ans expect to earn 59 mil­lion euros from the trans­fer of play­er Antho­ny Mar­tial. The club intends to spend this mon­ey on strength­en­ing its squad.

Over the years, Antho­ny has failed to live up to expec­ta­tions. He has scored just one goal in 14 appear­ances this sea­son.

Jadon San­cho – one of the most promis­ing young foot­ball play­ers in the world. He com­plet­ed a move to Man­ches­ter Unit­ed from Borus­sia Dort­mund in the sum­mer of 2021 for $85 mil­lion.

But he didn’t prove him­self in the new club: in 82 he only has match­es 12 goals and 6 assists.

Eng­land head coach Gareth South­gate did­n’t take it San­cho at the World Cup in Qatar. In total, the foot­ball play­er has 23 match­es and three goals for the nation­al team.

“Please don’t believe every­thing you read!”,” San­cho com­ment­ed on the sit­u­a­tion on Sep­tem­ber 3, 2023.

Jadon San­cho was sus­pend­ed from work withthe main com­po­si­tion of the club due to the con­flict that arose in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber with Erik ten Hag.

“I won’t let peo­ple say things that aren’t true, I did very well in train­ing. I believe that there are oth­er rea­sons for this sit­u­a­tion, I have been a scape­goat for a long time and this is unfair!

I just want to play foot­ball and con­tribute to the team. But I respect the deci­sions of the coach­ing staff, I will con­tin­ue to fight for the emblem on my chest, no mat­ter what!” The post was sub­se­quent­ly delet­ed.