The thief who robbed the houses of famous football players admitted why he did not touch Messi

His gang is respon­si­ble for rob­bing the man­sions of Johan Cruyff and Cris­tiano Ronal­do.

The Alban­ian-Koso­vo mafia boss has been rob­bing wealthy homes in Spain for years. The vic­tims of his group were famous foot­ball play­ers — from Johan Cruyff to Cris­tiano Ronal­do. How­ev­er, one of the main stars of world sports, Lionel Mes­si, was bypassed by the crim­i­nals — and, as it turned out, not by chance.

An inter­view with the crim­i­nal, who was want­ed and recent­ly caught, was con­duct­ed by El Espanol. A mafioso of Alban­ian ori­gin, on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, said that in 90% of cas­es, rob­bers, before break­ing into the house of a famous per­son, know in advance what they can prof­it from there. They find an inter­est­ed per­son who, for a fee, tells where the safe is or reveals the loca­tion of the gold. For such ser­vices, the source usu­al­ly receives 30% of the prof­its made from the rob­bery.

The mafioso explained that it was not for noth­ing that he chose Spain for his activ­i­ties. It’s all about the con­di­tions in pris­ons: in case of fail­ure and arrest, impris­on­ment in a local colony will be much more pleas­ant than in a prison in Alba­nia or, for exam­ple, Turkey.

Rich and Famous

In 2012, Johan Cruyf­f’s house was raid­ed. The ex-Barcelona foot­ball play­er said that the amount of dam­age amount­ed to more than 500 thou­sand euros, but in real­i­ty the spoils of the rob­bers did not exceed 20 thou­sand. El Espanol’s inter­locu­tor knows first­hand about the real num­bers: one of his gangs was behind the rob­bery. Cris­tiano Ronal­do also suf­fered from the actions of rob­bers — bur­glars sur­round­ed his man­sion in Madeira.

More­over, the attack­ers were able to break into Lionel Mes­si’s house in Castellde­fels (Barcelona). How­ev­er, in the end they did not rob him — the head of the mafia turned out to be a fan of the foot­ball play­er. He also not­ed that the infor­ma­tion received about this house was incom­plete.

Jour­nal­ists who had a chance to talk with the head of a crim­i­nal orga­ni­za­tion not­ed the van­i­ty of their inter­locu­tor — this is how they explained the man’s desire to tell the pub­lic about his crimes.

Sure­ly Lionel Mes­si would be pleased to know that his tal­ent helped him not to lose his Bal­lon d’Or col­lec­tion. More­over, he recent­ly received anoth­er, already 8th, award, after which he made a sen­sa­tion­al state­ment about his return to Europe and the con­tin­u­a­tion of his career in pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball.