The Russian team Team Spirit won the CS 2 tournament in Poland and received 36.5 million rubles

The 17-year-old team mem­ber was rec­og­nized as the best play­er of the tour­na­ment with a record score in its his­to­ry.

The Russ­ian team Team Spir­it won the Counter Strike 2 cham­pi­onship in Poland. The prize fund of the tour­na­ment was one mil­lion dol­lars.

The finals of Intel Extreme Mas­ters (IEM) Katow­ice 2024 took place in Katow­ice, Poland on Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 11. In it, Team Spir­it met with the Euro­pean team FaZe Clan, which they defeat­ed with a score of 3:0 on the maps. The Rus­sians played 13:9 on Nuke, 13:11 on Mirage, and 13:3 on Over­pass. At the same time, with­in the frame­work of the cham­pi­onship, Team Spir­it won sev­en vic­to­ries in a row.

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The team’s win­nings amount­ed to 400 thou­sand dol­lars (36.5 mil­lion rubles). In addi­tion, the Rus­sians received invi­ta­tions to the next three com­pe­ti­tions — IEM Cologne 2024, BLAST Pre­mier World Final and Esports World Cup 2024. The FaZe Clan team, which won sec­ond place in the tour­na­ment, received 180 thou­sand dol­lars (almost 16.5 mil­lion rubles) for this result ).

Team Spir­it includes Russ­ian natives Leonid Vish­nyakov (chop­per), Dmit­ry Sokolov (sh1ro), Boris Voroby­ov (mag­ixx) and Danil Kryshkovets (donk). In addi­tion, the team includes Ukrain­ian Miroslav Pla­hot (zont1x).

Now the team will have to take part in the RMR com­pe­ti­tion in Bucharest as part of the qual­i­fy­ing tour­na­ment for the CS 2 PGL Major Copen­hagen 2024 cham­pi­onship. The game is sched­uled for Feb­ru­ary 19.

It is note­wor­thy that pre­vi­ous­ly Team Spir­it was main­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the suc­cess of its Dota ros­ter, which won vic­to­ries in two The Inter­na­tion­als. How­ev­er, now Counter Strike play­ers are not lag­ging behind the dota play­ers. The cur­rent tro­phy was the first for the team in CS 2, and for some mem­bers of the team, the cham­pi­onship in Katow­ice was the first major LAN tour­na­ment in their careers — we are talk­ing, in par­tic­u­lar, about 17-year-old Danil Kryshkovec. He was rec­og­nized as the best play­er of the cham­pi­onship with a rat­ing of 1.70 — this is the best indi­ca­tor in the entire his­to­ry of the com­pe­ti­tion.

By the way, Team Spirit’s dota play­ers won their last major vic­to­ry in Octo­ber 2023, tak­ing their sec­ond The Inter­na­tion­al after beat­ing Gaimin Glad­i­a­tor at a tour­na­ment in Seat­tle. They received $1.4 mil­lion for the vic­to­ry, and experts rat­ed this per­for­mance as one of the best in the his­to­ry of the cham­pi­onship. Find out more about how it hap­pened and what is known about the play­ers.