The Spartak football player was found guilty of drug smuggling: he faces 6 years in prison

He is cur­rent­ly at a train­ing camp in the UAE.

An Ams­ter­dam court found 32-year-old Spar­tak foot­ball play­er Quin­cy Promes guilty of smug­gling. He faces 6 years in prison — he has now been sen­tenced in absen­tia, writes RIA Novosti Sport.

What is Quincy Promes accused of?

Accord­ing to the agency, Quin­cy Promes is accused of smug­gling 1,370 kilo­grams of cocaine, so an Ams­ter­dam court sen­tenced him in absen­tia to six years in prison. The inves­ti­ga­tion sug­gests that the ath­lete led a large group of smug­glers. At the same time, the foot­baller is cur­rent­ly at train­ing camp in the UAE.

It is report­ed that he was the one who nego­ti­at­ed with the drug traf­fick­er under the pseu­do­nym Fan­tas­ma and was on all six flights of the plane that was used to smug­gle the banned sub­stance. The inves­ti­ga­tion pro­vid­ed tele­phone records con­firm­ing this. The foot­baller denies guilt, his lawyer said. At the same time, Uncle Promes has already been sen­tenced to 6 years under the same arti­cle.

When did the case start?

Let us remind you that Promes has been play­ing for the Moscow club since 2014. In 2020, police inter­cept­ed two ship­ments of the drug weigh­ing about 1,370 kilo­grams in Antwerp.