Now it’s official: Kylian Mbappe leaves PSG

Mbappe is already close to sign­ing a con­tract with the club where he dreamed of play­ing since child­hood.

25-year-old PSG strik­er Kylian Mbappe is leav­ing the French club at the end of the sea­son as a free agent, respect­ed jour­nal­ist Fab­rizio Romano report­ed on social net­works. Mbappe has already informed the club man­age­ment about his deci­sion.

Mbappe’s depar­ture from PSG has been dis­cussed for sev­er­al years, as has his new con­tract with Real Madrid. It is report­ed that the terms of the 25-year-old strik­er’s depar­ture have not yet been made pub­lic, since the cur­rent agree­ment runs until the sum­mer of 2024, but the media are writ­ing that Kylian is already look­ing for hous­ing in Madrid.

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Mbappe’s sto­ry at PSG has been writ­ten for the sixth year: Kylian has been play­ing for the French club since 2018. Dur­ing this time, he took part in 290 match­es, scored 243 goals and 105 assists.

How much will Mbappe earn at Real Madrid?

Kil­ian admit­ted that since child­hood he dreamed of play­ing for the Madrid club, so “mon­ey doesn’t mat­ter to him.” How­ev­er, accord­ing to El Debate jour­nal­ist Tomás-González Mar­tin, Real Madrid were pre­vi­ous­ly ready to pay 200 mil­lion euros plus 20 mil­lion in bonus­es for Kylian. The cur­rent deal is like­ly to cost Madrid a lit­tle less. Now we are talk­ing about 23–28 mil­lion euros per year and gen­er­ous bonus­es. But Kil­ian does­n’t real­ly seem inter­est­ed in mon­ey.