Fighter Venom, who fell from the 10th floor, got in touch: he described the incident in one word

Magomed Zainalov fell from a great height, try­ing to save a cat that ran out onto the bal­cony.

Mixed style fight­er Magomed Zainalov, who per­forms under the pseu­do­nym “Ven­om,” spoke about his fall from the 10th floor. He is cur­rent­ly under­go­ing reha­bil­i­ta­tion, but gave an inter­view to Match TV.

24-year-old Zainalov fell from the bal­cony of an apart­ment in Ros­tov-on-Don on Jan­u­ary 23. A young man tried to save his cat, who ran out onto the bal­cony and jumped onto the drain. As a result, the ath­lete him­self fell down.

He recalls that he sat on the bal­cony and was able to reach the pet, grab it and throw it into the apart­ment. “And he lost it. I real­ized that this was all the end. Then I just fly, and at the same time I have such hope that every­thing will be fine now.”, — said Magomed. Accord­ing to the fight­er, he tried to group him­self in flight and raised his hands to his head before falling. How­ev­er, he does not remem­ber the moment of impact.

The media report­ed that Zainalov’s fall was “soft­ened” by a car parked under the win­dows. Ven­om him­self remem­bers the first min­utes after the inci­dent. “Every­thing is fine, awe­some. This is a real­ly good mood.”, he shared. After this, the young man tried to get up, but he could no longer do it on his own.

When asked by jour­nal­ists to describe the sen­sa­tions he expe­ri­enced while falling from the 10th floor, Zainalov respond­ed in one word: “Gee!” “There was just some kind of flash. Some­thing I did­n’t expect hap­pened.”, says the man. He also remem­bers that he thought that it was too ear­ly for him to die — only 24 years old.

After the fall, the ath­lete was tak­en to a Ros­tov hos­pi­tal, where he was diag­nosed with injuries to his legs and pelvic bones. The Hard­core Fight­ing Cham­pi­onship pro­mo­tion, in which Zainalov has been per­form­ing since 2021, stat­ed that it is ready to bear the costs of the fighter’s treat­ment.

In Feb­ru­ary, Ven­om was sup­posed to have anoth­er fight — with Eduard Kuzmi­nov. It was he who became the first to report on social net­works about the inci­dent with his oppo­nent. Then Kuzmin wrote that before the inci­dent he prayed for vic­to­ry in the bat­tle. “Now… I want to pray that he will be fine and that he will recov­er.”“, he admit­ted.

It is not yet known how long Zainalov’s recov­ery process from injury will take. How­ev­er, Magomed him­self intends to ful­ly recov­er and return to sports.