Salzburg scored a goal 5 seconds into the match, setting a Bundesliga record

For­ward Petar Ratkov scored a goal in the 5th sec­ond of the match thanks to a goal­keep­er error. Accord­ing to sources, this is the fastest goal in the his­to­ry of the Aus­tri­an Bun­desli­ga.

In the Aus­tri­an cham­pi­onship round, lead­ers Salzburg and VB Linz met. The game end­ed in a 1:1 draw. Inter­est­ing­ly, the most mem­o­rable event hap­pened in the 5th sec­ond of the match. Salzburg scored the fastest goal in the his­to­ry of the Aus­tri­an Cham­pi­onship!

After the start­ing whis­tle, the hosts played the ball from the cen­ter of the field and passed it to the defend­er, who was unable to cope with the goal­keep­er. The goal­keep­er almost made it to the ball, but hit a Salzburg play­er, who imme­di­ate­ly scored the ball into the goal. You can watch a replay of the icon­ic moment below.

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How­ev­er, VB Linz decid­ed not to give up and equal­ized the score in the 12th minute.

Salzburg cur­rent­ly leads the cham­pi­onship with 41 points after 19 rounds.

20-year-old strik­er Petar Ratkov joined the club in the sum­mer of 2023. He began his career at the mod­est club Bac­ka Topo­la two years ago. In 2022, the Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Sports Stud­ies (CIES) includ­ed Ratkov in the list of the 100 most tal­ent­ed play­ers under 21 in 32 Euro­pean leagues.

The Serb took 79th place. By the way, the rat­ing was topped by Bukayo Saka from Arse­nal.

In his first sea­son in Aus­tria, young strik­er Petar Ratkov scored five goals in all com­pe­ti­tions, includ­ing a goal against VB Linz. He scored in his debut match against Sturm, but then suf­fered a hip injury and was out for two months.

After his recov­ery, Ratkov most­ly came as a sub­sti­tute, but clos­er to win­ter he estab­lished him­self in the start­ing line­up and even appeared twice in the start­ing line­up in the Cham­pi­ons League. Ratkov scored in two games in a row, but, unfor­tu­nate­ly, both goals did not bring vic­to­ry to his team: Sturm equal­ized in the 80th minute, and BV Linz equal­ized in the 12th. As a result, both games end­ed in a draw with a score of 1:1.