Mbappe signed a contract with Real Madrid. The details of the agreement are already known

For a long time, the club could not resolve the issue of the player’s salary and image rights.

For­ward of the French nation­al team and Paris Saint-Ger­main, Kylian Mbappe, signed a con­tract with Real Madrid. This was report­ed by the Span­ish pub­li­ca­tion Mar­ca, which pub­lished the first details of the agree­ment.

A source close to the sit­u­a­tion claims that the issue of where Mbappe will con­tin­ue his career has final­ly been resolved. Accord­ing to him, the PSG strik­er will move to Real in the sum­mer of 2024 — pre­sum­ably, the con­tract will begin on July 1 and will be valid for 5 years, until 2029.

It is alleged that last week­end Kylian held a meet­ing with the lead­er­ship of the Parisians and asked not to make him new pro­pos­als to extend the cur­rent agree­ment. As the rea­son for this, he alleged­ly cit­ed an already signed agree­ment with the Span­ish club.

Mbappe has been play­ing for PSG since 2018. Dur­ing this time, he man­aged to play 290 match­es (in all tour­na­ments) and chalk up 243 goals, as well as 105 assists. The for­ward’s cur­rent agree­ment with the club expires in the sum­mer.

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At the same time, con­ver­sa­tions about where the play­er will go after the expi­ra­tion of the con­tract have been going on since 2022. Kylian him­self has repeat­ed­ly stat­ed his desire to join Real Madrid, but the issue of his salary remained unre­solved.

What else is known about Mbappe’s transfer?

The Ath­let­ic wrote that PSG tried to keep their main star by offer­ing to main­tain Mbappe’s cur­rent salary — it amounts to 75 mil­lion euros per year after tax­es and exclud­ing bonus­es. How­ev­er, Goal wrote about oth­er fig­ures: the Parisians alleged­ly offered Mbappe 100 mil­lion euros a year to stay at the club.

The Spaniards do not have that kind of mon­ey to pay for Mbappe. Sources wrote that in 2022 the French­man was offered 130 mil­lion euros in the form of a sign­ing bonus and 26 mil­lion in salary. Accord­ing to Mar­ca, the play­er will receive half of what he cur­rent­ly receives at PSG.

In addi­tion, image rights remained in ques­tion. Real Madrid usu­al­ly sign play­ers with 50% of the rights, but Mbappe and his team want­ed to retain full con­trol. Cade­na Cope writes that in the end the par­ties agreed on a scheme under which Mbappe would receive 60% of spon­sor­ship income.

So far, there has been no offi­cial con­fir­ma­tion of infor­ma­tion about the sign­ing of a con­tract between Mbappe and Real Madrid. Data on his esti­mat­ed income in the Los Blan­cos camp were also not pub­lished.