“The sexiest football player in the world” spoke about a strange message from Drake: she definitely didn’t expect this

The girl was very sur­prised when the famous musi­cian asked her for “this.”

Aston Vil­la and Swiss nation­al team play­er Alisha Lehmann is called “the sex­i­est foot­baller in the world.” The girl came to the DirTea Talk pod­cast, where she talked about an inde­cent pro­pos­al from one world famous per­son.

What do they write to a sexy football player?

More than 16 mil­lion sub­scribers fol­low 24-year-old Lehmann on social net­works. They admire the beau­ty of the foot­ball play­er and show­er her with com­pli­ments in the com­ments.

The girl said that she received offers for sex even from celebri­ties. She assures that every­one knows this per­son:

“I was in Mia­mi, my favorite place, and met friends at a club. Then I received a mes­sage on my mobile phone, which I did not respond to. But then the same per­son sent a mes­sage to my body­guard.

The mes­sages were from a very famous per­son; we had pre­vi­ous­ly met at some event. It said: “I will pay Alisha 100 thou­sand Swiss francs ($110 thou­sand) to spend the night with me.” But my answer was — no way! And only 100 thou­sand?»

The star foot­ball play­er also admit­ted that she once received mes­sage from Drake. More­over, she received it just three days before record­ing the pod­cast.

The girl remem­bered this when the pre­sen­ter asked who the most famous per­son wrote to her. The request was very ordi­nary and inno­cent — Drake asked the girl for a T‑shirt.