They tried to teach the Manchester United goalkeeper from Cameroon Russian: it turned out simply hilarious!

The play­ers of the African nation­al team were giv­en a pow­er­ful wel­come in Moscow. There was a loaf at the air­port, Russ­ian beau­ties and lan­guage lessons.

The arrival of the Cameroon nation­al team was a big event in Russ­ian foot­ball life. After the nation­al team was kicked out of inter­na­tion­al tour­na­ments, only friend­ly match­es remained. But the oppo­nents were not from Europe — the Iran­ian team became the strongest.

Cameroonians were greeted with a loaf at the airport

Cameroon has an even more stel­lar team — for exam­ple, Man­ches­ter Unit­ed goal­keep­er Andre Onana plays there. When the Cameroo­ni­ans arrived in Rus­sia, they were already greet­ed at the air­port with bread, salt and Russ­ian beau­ties:


Cameroon plays for a foot­baller who calls him­self Russ­ian. This is Gael Ond­ua — he was born in Africa, but from the age of 9 he lived in Rus­sia. Ond­ua went through the youth schools of the cap­i­tal’s CSKA and Loko­mo­tiv, but decid­ed to play for his his­tor­i­cal home­land.

Now he plays for the Swiss Servette, but retains warm mem­o­ries of Rus­sia. He even played at the last World Cham­pi­onship.

Onana came to Rus­sia, but did not take to the field. On the bus, Ond­ua taught him Russ­ian words. It turned out well for the first time — the Pre­mier League play­er was able to say good­bye:


How did Cameroonians feel in Russia?

Cameroo­ni­ans appre­ci­at­ed the recep­tion, which they were giv­en after their arrival. They admit­ted that they were expect­ing the Russ­ian cold, so they dressed warm­ly. But the weath­er turned out to be extreme­ly mild:

“The Russ­ian side orga­nized an excel­lent recep­tion for our team at the air­port. Just wow! Many foot­ball play­ers appre­ci­ate Russ­ian hos­pi­tal­i­ty — they like every­thing.

Before arriv­ing, we knew that it could be cold in Rus­sia in the fall, but upon arrival in Moscow the weath­er sur­prised us. We expect­ed it to be much cold­er, haha! But every­thing is fine — we are hap­py with every­thing,” said Blaise Jounane, Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Cameroon Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion.

He con­firmed that Cameroon’s agree­ment to a friend­ly match when Russ­ian foot­ball is under sanc­tions is a polit­i­cal ges­ture:

“Cameroon wants to be friends with Rus­sia. We are always ready to help, and your coun­try is ready to help us. The main thing for us is to build friend­ship and ensure coop­er­a­tion in all areas, includ­ing foot­ball.”

The match between the nation­al teams of Rus­sia and Cameroon turned out to be inter­est­ing, although almost goal­less. Russ­ian team won with the score 1:0, and the only goal was scored in the first half by CSKA for­ward Fedor Chalov. In the sec­ond half, the Rus­sians hit the Cameroon goal twice, but both times the goals were can­celed due to off­side.