The UFC star ate a photo of his opponent from Dagestan and made social networks laugh: before that he asked for a Russian passport

John­ny Walk­er is pro­mot­ing the fight with Ankalaev and is not the first time enter­tain­ing MMA fans. Before that, he almost knocked him­self out while cel­e­brat­ing his vic­to­ry!

Brazil­ian MMA fight­er John­ny Walk­er, who com­petes in the UFC, is active­ly prepar­ing for a fight against Russ­ian Magomed Ankalaev. It will take place at the UFC 294 tour­na­ment on Octo­ber 22, where many stars from the CIS will gath­er. And the main card will be head­lined by a rematch between light­weight cham­pi­on Islam Makhachev and Charles Oliveira.

Why did Walker eat a photograph of his Dagestani rival?

Walk­er is known for his eccen­tric behav­ior, but prefers pos­i­tive trash talk. He does­n’t insult his oppo­nents, but he hypes up fights. Before the fight with Ankalaev, he showed how he beats a box­ing bag with a pho­to of the Dages­tani attached.

And then he com­plete­ly ate his pho­to, show­ing an ani­mal grin:

Ankalaev is a for­mer con­tender for the UFC light heavy­weight belt. Many are sure that the fight­er was robbed: he had a good fight against Jan Bla­chow­icz, but the judges record­ed a draw. With a fight against Walk­er, Ankalaev should return to the title race. At the same time, the pro­mo­tion con­sid­ers him bor­ing: the Dages­tani is timid and hard­ly speaks, so Walk­er him­self pumps up the fight.

Ankalaev is one of the best UFC light heavyweight fighters

Walk­er’s case is dif­fer­ent — he was a bright prospect and col­lect­ed knock­outs in the first round. He was con­sid­ered a threat to Jon Jones, the UFC’s top fight­er, but Walk­er lost two straight times and was con­sid­ered a write-off.

Walker weighed fans and trained in Russia

Walk­er was able to restart his career: he moved to McGre­gor’s coach John Kavanagh and adapt­ed to the new style. Now Walk­er is a much more cau­tious fight­er and does not rush at his oppo­nent from the first sec­onds, wise­ly using his knock­out pow­er. Despite this, Ankalaev is con­sid­ered the favorite, because he is called the unof­fi­cial cham­pi­on — he has few weak points.

Walker trains with trainer McGregor

This is not Walk­er’s first time per­form­ing the show — he once per­formed the “worm dance” after win­ning, but near­ly knocked him­self out when he hit his face on the floor­ing. The video went viral, and Walk­er became the author of per­haps the most ridicu­lous cel­e­bra­tion in the UFC.

Click and watch

By the way, Walk­er vis­it­ed Rus­sia more than once, where he trained and even want­ed to get a pass­port. The Brazil­ian trained at the Moscow Gor MMA gym and trav­eled to Dages­tan, where he improved his wrestling.

Walker trained in Russia and fell in love with the country

Walk­er retains fond mem­o­ries of Rus­sia, but moved to Conor’s team in an attempt to regain his rep­u­ta­tion in the UFC — now he has three wins in a row.