What equipment does a hockey player need: 12 essential items, even if you are a beginner

Win­ter is com­ing very soon, so it’s time to start play­ing hock­ey. But how can you pro­tect your­self from injury while play­ing one of the most trau­mat­ic sports?

We study the basic ele­ments of hock­ey equip­ment.

1. Thermal underwear

Fit­ting tight­ly to the body, it will def­i­nite­ly not let you freeze either on an indoor skat­ing rink with arti­fi­cial ice or out­doors, even in severe frost.

2. Shields

Even in recre­ation­al hock­ey, where the puck rarely ris­es above the knee, you will need durable shin pro­tec­tion. The risk of get­ting hit in the leg with a stick from a slug­gish part­ner has nev­er been can­celed.

3. Shell

Com­ments are unnec­es­sary, aren’t they?

4. Gaiters

They are put on shields and attached to the shel­l’s belt like stock­ings. It looks quite man­ly, the thick fab­ric pro­tects from impacts, keeps you warm and insures you in case of a cut.

5. Briefs

Made from high-strength arti­fi­cial fab­ric, with rigid inserts on the hips, tail­bone, low­er back and spine. Now you’re not afraid to fall.

6. Skates

The main dif­fer­ence from “recre­ation­al” skates is a hard toe that can with­stand being hit by a puck, and a denser tongue.

7. Shoulder (armor, breastplate, “shoulders”)

Designed to pro­tect the entire chest, but pri­mar­i­ly the shoul­ders and spine. At first, your move­ments will be slight­ly con­strained, but get used to it: safe­ty in hock­ey is very impor­tant.

8. Elbow pad

What is the first thing we put out when we fall? That’s right, elbow. That’s why the elbow pad.

9. Sweater

In all this armor you began to look more bru­tal, but it’s bet­ter to cov­er the inside with some­thing beau­ti­ful. A sweater from your favorite team, with your last name or idol num­ber, is a great option.

10. Helmet

With a plas­tic visor for the brave, with a mesh for those who pre­fer safe­ty. The choice is yours.

11. Leggings

After slight­ly rolling up the sleeves of your sweater, put on the pre-warmed leg­gings last. You’re almost ready!

12. Hockey stick

It’s always bet­ter to take a longer one (about as tall as you are) — in case some­thing hap­pens, you’ll cut it lat­er. Wood­en clubs are heavy and short-lived, but cheap com­pos­ite ones are exact­ly the oppo­site. It is rec­om­mend­ed to wrap the club blade with tape, which will pro­long the life of the weapon.