Your own track


“I pre­fer not to dream, but to set goals and con­sis­tent­ly move towards them, but, of course, there are things that do not depend on me, and these are already dreams. The most impor­tant thing is for all fam­i­ly and friends to be healthy and hap­py.”
Alex­ey Kru­chinin

Family support

“Since child­hood, fam­i­ly has been very impor­tant to me — my par­ents, my sis­ter. The way my dad and mom raised me, the way they always sup­port­ed me. They instilled in me qual­i­ties that still help today: effi­cien­cy, the habit of not giv­ing up, the abil­i­ty to believe in myself, hard work, work ethics. This is my sup­port and sup­port.”

The mul­ti­func­tion­al minibus “Sobol NN” will also always sup­port your endeav­ors: trips around the city or shop­ping, fam­i­ly trips or trips to hock­ey games. The spa­cious inte­ri­or with three rows of seats for six pas­sen­gers is suit­able for work­ing in the city and trav­el­ing (the sec­ond and third rows fold down to form a com­fort­able berth).


“Hock­ey taught me to quick­ly adapt to chang­ing sit­u­a­tions, react instant­ly and find solu­tions in any sit­u­a­tion. In my opin­ion, this qual­i­ty is gen­er­al­ly very impor­tant in life — both in work and in fam­i­ly or friend­ship.”

The Sobol NN minibus is also ready to adapt to your needs. The spa­cious car­go com­part­ment allows you to trans­port car­go up to 5.1 m³³and com­pact dimen­sions (length — 5110 mm, height — 2445 mm) com­bined with a small turn­ing radius (5.4 m) and a sol­id steer­ing angle pro­vide excel­lent maneu­ver­abil­i­ty and the abil­i­ty to move unhin­dered in dense urban areas or heavy traf­fic.

“The most impor­tant thing for me is to be hon­est with your­self. A per­son can deceive any­one, but not him­self. If you approach any endeav­or hon­est­ly, be it school, work, or in my case hock­ey, you are more like­ly to suc­ceed. My father taught me this, and now I am teach­ing this to my son. What­ev­er you do, you need to be able to work, be per­sis­tent and strong.”
Alex­ey Kru­chinin


“This is per­haps the main qual­i­ty that not only a hock­ey play­er, but any ath­lete should have. It is impor­tant to be able to sur­vive fail­ures, defeats, and injuries. Fall and get up every time, draw­ing the right con­clu­sions for your­self, and the cap­tain, first of all, must be an exam­ple in this, so that the team fol­lows him. You need to give your all and be a sub­tle psy­chol­o­gist, find an approach to each team mem­ber.”


“When I go on the ice, I for­get absolute­ly every­thing that wor­ries me in every­day life. Pre­vi­ous­ly, I could be dis­tract­ed by extra­ne­ous thoughts, but over the years I have learned to com­plete­ly switch to the game. In hock­ey we not only score goals, there is a lot of “dirty” work: you have to block shots and be brave in col­li­sions.”

Sobol NN helps you con­cen­trate on work tasks. The soft and durable sus­pen­sion pro­vides com­fort on every­day trips, and the sin­gle-pitch tires and high ground clear­ance pro­vide excel­lent cross-coun­try abil­i­ty. Mod­ern elec­tron­ic archi­tec­ture, dri­ver assis­tance sys­tems, as well as a mul­ti­me­dia sys­tem with built-in nav­i­ga­tion and telem­at­ics ser­vices are respon­si­ble for the effi­cien­cy of vehi­cle con­trol. In addi­tion, Sobol NN was com­plete­ly devel­oped in the engi­neer­ing cen­ter of the Gorky Auto­mo­bile Plant and has a high lev­el of local­iza­tion, which guar­an­tees the absence of prob­lems with ser­vice.

Love for your business

“Hock­ey is my life, and I still enjoy not only play­ing, but also train­ing. They say: find what you love, make it your pro­fes­sion, and then you will nev­er have to work. I suc­ceed­ed. Pro­fes­sion­al­ism means not let­ting work turn into a rou­tine and always find­ing some­thing new, inter­est­ing and emo­tion­al for your­self. I con­tin­ue to train even on vaca­tion — I don’t like to lose shape, because then I have to gain it again. To stay in good shape, you don’t have to train twice a day; three to four work­outs a week is enough. As a result, not much time is spent, but at the same time you always feel good, and it will be enough to add just a lit­tle work­load to the sea­son to feel con­fi­dent.”

Sobol NN was designed with increased atten­tion to the com­fort of the dri­ver and pas­sen­gers. Excel­lent han­dling and a com­fort­able, tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced inte­ri­or will pre­vent trips from turn­ing into a chore. USB ports, 25 stor­age com­part­ments, cup hold­ers, and a cooled and lock­able bot­tom draw­er keep every­thing you need orga­nized. The sprung dri­ver’s seat has 18-way adjust­ments, heat­ing and lum­bar sup­port, eas­ing the dif­fi­cul­ties of long trips. Anoth­er use­ful detail is the key­less engine start and the pres­ence of an elec­tron­ic park­ing brake.


“My father is a hock­ey coach, and, in prin­ci­ple, it was he who gave me the whole base. I start­ed skat­ing at the age of three. My son has been play­ing hock­ey since the same age. I try not to force him, so as not to dis­cour­age his love for sports. So far he real­ly likes both hock­ey and foot­ball. By the way, my dad taught me how to dri­ve. When I was just a kid, he would just sit me on his lap and I would dri­ve. Then, when I grew up, he already let me dri­ve on coun­try roads — the car had an auto­mat­ic trans­mis­sion, it was not dif­fi­cult. But I learned to dri­ve a man­u­al car at a dri­ving school with a friend. I remem­ber our instruc­tor quick­ly real­ized that we were doing a good job. When he need­ed some­thing in the city, my friend drove the car one way, and I drove the car back, or vice ver­sa. The instruc­tor then said that ath­letes quick­ly grasp every­thing: on the road, like on a hock­ey rink, you need to be able to see every­thing that is hap­pen­ing around and react instant­ly.”


“I have a height­ened instinct of self-preser­va­tion, so speed is not my thing at all. The main thing is that the car is reli­able, com­fort­able, con­ve­nient and large — like the Sobol NN, for exam­ple.

Sobol NN is equipped with a large arse­nal of safe­ty sys­tems: from ABS and EBD to a park­ing assis­tance sys­tem. The car is also equipped with light and rain sen­sors, bright LED head­lights for good vis­i­bil­i­ty at night, and ven­ti­lat­ed disc brakes. This equip­ment makes you feel safe and at home.

About the best vacation

“For me, the ide­al vaca­tion is trav­el­ing with my fam­i­ly out­side the city. We rent a house and spend time in nature: fry meat on the fire, walk, take a steam bath. It doesn’t mat­ter whether it’s sum­mer or win­ter, at such moments I relax both body and soul. I have also always loved road trips. As a child, my par­ents took me by car from Kare­lia to vis­it my grand­par­ents in Crimea, and I always looked for­ward to these trips. Dad had a Gazelle, and my par­ents and sis­ter and I not only trav­eled in it, but often spent the night — there was a huge trunk in which my father laid out a mat­tress, he and I slept there, my sis­ter was in the back seat, my moth­er fold­ed out the front seat . It was cozy and com­fort­able. “Sable NN” is even more com­fort­able in this sense: in my child­hood we lis­tened to music on cas­settes, but here we have a mod­ern mul­ti­me­dia sys­tem: I con­nect­ed a smart­phone, and that’s it. You can lis­ten to music, books, and turn on some­thing inter­est­ing for your child. Now I trav­el with my fam­i­ly myself — as soon as my son was old enough to with­stand a cou­ple of days on the road, we began to trav­el with him. Along the way, he draws, watch­es movies, plays on the tablet or just sleeps, but peri­od­i­cal­ly we make stops so that he can run around and some­how splash out his ener­gy.”

“Sable NN” is an excel­lent trav­el com­pan­ion on long jour­neys. The bus has three rows of seats and six pas­sen­ger seats with a wide range of per­son­al adjust­ments — in addi­tion to chang­ing the angle of the seat back, the pas­sen­ger can change the height of the arm­rests and head­rests. The trans­formable con­fig­u­ra­tion of the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment allows for sev­er­al options for orga­niz­ing the inter­nal space — from sleep­ing places (the sec­ond and third rows of seats can be fold­ed into a sin­gle plane) to cre­at­ing a full-fledged mobile office. The rear three-seat row of seats can also be moved along the length of the cab­in, adjust­ing the amount of inter­nal space to accom­mo­date lug­gage.

Adver­tis­ing. JSC “GK “Mod­ern Trans­port Tech­nolo­gies”