The Milan football player has gone missing in Sweden: he has not been found for 14 days

Three years ago he was called one of the main foot­ball tal­ents in Swe­den, but he did not get much play­ing expe­ri­ence.

20-year-old Milan strik­er Emil Roback dis­ap­peared with­out a trace in Swe­den. Nei­ther the team nor the fam­i­ly have received news from him for two weeks; it is unknown where the foot­ball play­er is now.

Emil’s dis­ap­pear­ance was report­ed by the Cor­riere Del­la Sera news­pa­per. The Rossoneri for­ward head­ed to Swe­den after Milan reached a loan agree­ment with local club Nor­rkop­ing.

14 days ago, the play­er stopped com­ing to the team’s train­ing ses­sions — and he dis­ap­peared with­out warn­ing: there were no calls or mes­sages from Robak. Emil did not con­tact his fam­i­ly either. Nei­ther fam­i­ly, nor friends, nor the club know where the young man might be now.

Nor­rköping sport­ing direc­tor Toni Mar­tins­son tried sev­er­al times to get in touch with the foot­baller, but to no avail. Then announce­ments about the dis­ap­pear­ance and search for Robak were dis­trib­uted on local tele­vi­sion. “I want to know if he’s okay. What wor­ries me is that we can’t con­tact him, I don’t know what else we can do. I tried to call him many times, but I couldn’t get through to him.”says the direc­tor.

The Swedish-born foot­baller began his career at Ham­mar­by, a club part-owned by Zla­tan Ibrahi­movic. Three years ago he was called one of the main tal­ents of Swedish foot­ball. He soon signed a con­tract with Milan, where he moved in 2020, but did not receive much play­ing expe­ri­ence there, and in March 2022 he was loaned to Nor­rkop­ing.

Accord­ing to the terms of the con­tract, Roe­buck­’s lease expires in ear­ly Novem­ber. After this, he must return to Milan — his con­tract with the Ital­ian club runs until 2025.

In August of this year, Roe­buck gave an inter­view in which he admit­ted that his work in Swe­den was not going the way he want­ed — it was prob­a­bly due to a lack of play­ing prac­tice. “Every­thing didn’t go as planned. I try to accept it as it comes. Every­thing will depend on the coach, but I always try my best.”,” the for­ward empha­sized.

In his state­ment regard­ing Emil’s dis­ap­pear­ance, Toni Mar­tins­son indi­rect­ly addressed this top­ic. “I want him to come back. Then we can find a solu­tion that suits every­one.”- he said.

Accord­ing to La Gazzetta del­lo Sport, Nor­rköping are in con­stant con­tact with Milan, as well as with the player’s agent. All three par­ties are due to meet soon.