Neymar’s career is in jeopardy. A football player’s injury has been revealed, for which he needs urgent surgery

The 31-year-old foot­baller has appeared on the field in just 17 match­es this year.

Sau­di club Al-Hilal strik­er Ney­mar has been out for sev­er­al months due to a seri­ous injury. The press ser­vice of the Brazil­ian Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion report­ed that dur­ing the qual­i­fy­ing match for the 2026 World Cup, the play­er suf­fered a rup­ture of the cru­ci­ate lig­a­ment and menis­cus of his left knee.

The asso­ci­a­tion said that Ney­mar will soon under­go a seri­ous oper­a­tion, after which he will need a long time for reha­bil­i­ta­tion. The entire process is esti­mat­ed to take around 7–9 months.

The Brazil­ian play­er was injured on Octo­ber 17, when his team met with the Uruguay team in Mon­te­v­ideo. In this match, the Brazil­ians lost with a score of 0:2, and Ney­mar him­self left the field at the end of the first half on a stretch­er.

It is worth not­ing that he began play­ing active­ly only 4 months ago — when he returned to action after com­plet­ing reha­bil­i­ta­tion after anoth­er seri­ous injury: in March he had surgery on his ankle. The foot­baller has already com­ment­ed on what hap­pened, admit­ting that he is upset by the need to go through the treat­ment process again. “This is a very sad moment. I know that I am strong, but now I will need the sup­port of my loved ones.“he wrote on his social net­works, adding that going through surgery and recov­ery again will not be easy.

Ney­mar moved to Al-Hilal in August 2023 from the French club Paris Saint-Ger­main. He played only 5 match­es for the Sau­di Ara­bi­an team, scor­ing one goal and pro­vid­ing three assists.

In total, due to injuries, the foot­baller appeared on the field in only 17 games this year and scored 6 goals. This is the worst result of his entire career.

The club’s man­age­ment has already respond­ed to infor­ma­tion about the play­er’s injury. A state­ment was pub­lished on Al-Hilal’s social net­works wish­ing him a speedy recov­ery. “Come back stronger“reads the state­ment.

Ney­mar is now 31 years old. It is still unknown how the next injury will affect his future career. His con­tract with Al-Hilal, which acquired the play­er for 90 mil­lion euros, runs until mid-2025.

By the way, Ney­mar recent­ly became the top scor­er of the Brazil­ian nation­al team, scor­ing 79 goals for the nation­al team: in Sep­tem­ber, he scored twice against the Boli­vian nation­al team in the match of the 1st round of qual­i­fy­ing for the 2026 World Cup. He sur­passed the achieve­ment of the leg­endary Pele, who scored 77 goals.