Messi answered the rumors about leaving Inter Miami as honestly as possible: where will he continue his career?

The foot­baller revealed his plans for the future after a suc­cess­ful per­for­mance for the Argenti­na nation­al team.

Lionel Mes­si has denied rumors that he will leave Inter Mia­mi to go on loan to anoth­er club after the end of the MLS sea­son. Inter Mia­mi, which missed out on the MLS play­offs, faces Char­lotte on Sat­ur­day and Mes­si is sched­uled to take the field.

Messi remains at Inter Miami?

There have been recent rumors that the for­mer Barcelona star could return to the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships on loan dur­ing the MLS play­off break to main­tain match fit­ness.

How­ev­er, when Mes­si was asked if he was con­sid­er­ing play­ing for anoth­er club after Inter Mia­mi failed to qual­i­fy for the play­offs, he answered neg­a­tive­ly.

“It’s a shame we didn’t qual­i­fy. We were very close. I missed the last few games and we had some injuries. July was extreme­ly dif­fi­cult, we played every three days, we moved around a lot,” Mes­si com­plained after Argentina’s 2–0 win over Peru in World Cup qual­i­fy­ing.

The foot­baller con­firmed that will play the next match for Inter Mia­mi and then focus on the nation­al team. Mes­si is expect­ed to fea­ture for Argenti­na in World Cup qual­i­fiers in Novem­ber.

“I will train, I will play the upcom­ing match and try to get into the nation­al team in the best pos­si­ble shape in Novem­ber. After this I will enjoy my hol­i­day in Argenti­na.

This is the first time I will have many days off in Decem­ber, with the hol­i­days, with peace of mind, with my peo­ple. I’ll be back again in Jan­u­ary to do pre-sea­son. I’ll start from scratch and, as always, pre­pare as best I can.”

Messi is delighted with the Argentina national team

Although Mes­si missed the play­offs with Inter Mia­mi, he scored 11 goals in 13 match­es to help his club win the League Cup in August. “We won a tour­na­ment that is impor­tant for the club and for what will hap­pen next year,” says Lionel.

Mes­si has also excelled in the nation­al team, scor­ing twice in Tues­day’s win over Peru. At the same time, he became CON­MEBOL’s top scor­er in the World Cup qual­i­fy­ing match­es with 31 goals.

Argenti­na have won all four qual­i­fy­ing match­es and have yet to con­cede a goal. Mes­si said he believes the Argen­tine team is “very close” to the lev­el of Pep Guardi­o­la’s Barcelona, ​​for whom he played.

Barcelona then won 14 tro­phies, includ­ing two Cham­pi­ons League cups, between 2008 and 2012, and are con­sid­ered the great­est team in his­to­ry.

Asked how he assessed the cur­rent Argenti­na nation­al team, Mes­si said: “The oth­er day I found myself think­ing that this team is impres­sive. It con­tin­ues to grow from game to game. Every time we play bet­ter. It’s too much to com­pare with Guardiola’s Barcelona, ​​the best team in the world. But I think this team is very close to that.”

Although Mes­si is already 36 years old, he con­tin­ues to play at a high lev­el. And if the goals in the MLS cham­pi­onship can be attrib­uted to the very top lev­el of the cham­pi­onship, then the per­for­mance in the nation­al team is direct proof that Mes­si is amaz­ing­ly good for his age.