Ronaldo is freaking out about Messi again: he heard his name and made an indecent gesture to the fans

Sau­di Ara­bia has launched an urgent inves­ti­ga­tion into Cris­tiano’s strange behav­ior after the match.

The Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee of the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion (SAFF) will exam­ine the episode with the provoca­tive ges­ture of the Por­tuguese Al-Nasr strik­er Cris­tiano Ronal­do towards Al-Shabab fans. On Feb­ru­ary 25, Al-Nasr beat Al-Shabab away in the 21st round of the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Cham­pi­onship with a score of 3:2, and Ronal­do opened the scor­ing with a penal­ty goal.

After the match end­ed, fans began chant­i­ng the name of Argen­tine foot­ball play­er Lionel Mes­si. Hear­ing this, Ronal­do turned to the oppos­ing fans and did some­thing strange: he waved his hand sev­er­al times in the groin area. Cris­tiano’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives found an orig­i­nal and mod­ern jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for this act — they claim that the video was cre­at­ed using neur­al net­works. Now Ronal­do faces a dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion for sev­er­al match­es or a seri­ous fine.

How­ev­er, this is not the first case of defi­ant actions on the part of Krish: last year he also found him­self at the cen­ter of a scan­dal when he ges­tured to his groin when men­tion­ing Mes­si (again!), and in ear­ly Feb­ru­ary of this year he got it from an Al-Hilal fan . After the game, the Por­tuguese star first stuffed a fan’s dis­card­ed scarf into his shorts, and then threw it away com­plete­ly. Then fans of the oppos­ing team chant­ed Mes­si’s name every time Ronal­do touched the ball.

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By the way, Cris­tiano does not stand on cer­e­mo­ny either with fans or with his rivals. So, in April 2023, dur­ing anoth­er match with the same Al-Hilal, Ronal­do used a harsh choke hold on Colom­bian mid­field­er Gus­ta­vo Cuel­lar.

Cristiano Ronaldo choke against an opponent

If the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion decides to dis­qual­i­fy Ronal­do for sev­er­al match­es, then one can only sym­pa­thize with his club. Since the Por­tugue­se’s move to Al-Nasr at the end of Decem­ber 2022, Cris­tiano has scored 54 goals for club and nation­al team, becom­ing the top scor­er in 2023. And since Decem­ber 8, he has scored in every match — he has 10 goals in 9 games.

By the way, Lionel Mes­si him­self did not go unno­ticed these days. The Argen­tine, who now plays for the Amer­i­can club Inter Mia­mi, entered the MLS reg­u­lar sea­son match with Los Ange­les Galaxy hold­ing the hand of the son of Kim Kar­dashi­an and Kanye West. 8‑year-old Saint West is the sec­ond child of the famous rap­per and TV pre­sen­ter. Kar­dashi­an her­self pub­lished a video of this moment on social net­works, say­ing that this was her son’s long-time dream.

The match itself end­ed in a 1:1 draw, and Mes­si became one of the heroes of the meet­ing, equal­iz­ing the score in stop­page time.