What uniform will the Russian national football team players wear? The production will be carried out by a Russian company

The Jögel com­pa­ny will devel­op new equip­ment for the Russ­ian nation­al team play­ers.

Adi­das left Rus­sia com­plete­ly and irrev­o­ca­bly (not sure about the lat­ter). But its pres­ence in the mar­ket was not lim­it­ed to sell­ing prod­ucts or sup­port­ing fit­ness appli­ca­tions. The com­pa­ny also col­lab­o­rat­ed with gov­ern­ment agen­cies. In par­tic­u­lar, since 2008, she has been devel­op­ing uni­forms for Russ­ian foot­ball play­ers. And she did it quite well.

How­ev­er, times have changed. The Ger­man brand is now unable to main­tain coop­er­a­tion with Rus­sia, but mean­while the nation­al team has not gone away. She still needs a uni­form to shine on the field in fash­ion­able T‑shirts.

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And, as the Mash Telegram chan­nel learned, the devel­op­ment of a new form is already under­way. The main con­cept of the new equip­ment is the image of the Fire­bird, whose feath­ers bring suc­cess, good luck and hap­pi­ness.

The domes­tic com­pa­ny Jögel is respon­si­ble for the devel­op­ment of new equip­ment. The three stripes were replaced by a char­ac­ter from a Russ­ian folk tale. The pat­tern on the T‑shirts will resem­ble the glow from the feath­er of a myth­i­cal bird.

The appear­ance of the new form has not yet been approved. There are only pre­lim­i­nary sketch­es and blur­ry pho­tos from social net­works. There­fore, we will not find out what the new kit for Russ­ian foot­ball play­ers will look like soon.

Jögel deserves spe­cial atten­tion. The brand, nat­u­ral­ly, can­not com­pete with Adi­das in recog­ni­tion, but the guys have been work­ing on the mar­ket for quite a long time. In online mar­ket­places you can find many prod­ucts of their pro­duc­tion, rang­ing from bas­ket­balls to ele­ments of foot­ball pro­tec­tion. In gen­er­al, this is a real­ly big com­pa­ny with sig­nif­i­cant expe­ri­ence, so you don’t have to wor­ry about the con­ve­nience and com­fort of Russ­ian foot­ball play­ers. Every­thing will be at the high­est lev­el.

All that remains is to find wor­thy com­peti­tors for the nation­al team. After 2022, Rus­sia was exclud­ed from almost all world com­pe­ti­tions, so the nation­al team can­not try its hand at major tour­na­ments. We can only hope that this state of affairs will not last long, and that real­ly cool alter­na­tive plat­forms will soon appear.