How not to gain weight during the cold season: 4 simple secrets from a nutritionist that will help you maintain your figure

The doc­tor list­ed foods that must be includ­ed in the win­ter diet.

In cold weath­er, it is more dif­fi­cult for some peo­ple to mon­i­tor their weight, so by win­ter they gain extra pounds. Dietit­ian Alex Ruani told The Times how to avoid gain­ing weight when the cold weath­er sets in.

Useful habits

First of all, he recalled the ben­e­fits of reg­u­lar high-inten­si­ty train­ing. He rec­om­mends doing strength train­ing with free weights. He empha­sized that, accord­ing to the study, peo­ple who pri­or­i­tize such exer­cise are 30 per­cent less like­ly to become obese than those who pre­fer oth­er activ­i­ties or do not exer­cise at all. Still, you need to be more care­ful with loads: start with sim­ple exer­cis­es with light weight and grad­u­al­ly increase it.

Ade­quate phys­i­cal activ­i­ty com­bined with prop­er nutri­tion will help you stay fit in any weath­er.

In addi­tion, the nutri­tion­ist rec­om­mend­ed peri­od­i­cal­ly tak­ing a cool bath with approx­i­mate­ly twen­ty-degree water, and also going out­side more often to stim­u­late the fat burn­ing process.

It is also bet­ter to for­get about late-night snacks and, if pos­si­ble, eat three to four hours before bed­time.

Nutrition secrets

To main­tain your fig­ure even in cold weath­er, you need to eat more fiber, which will help pro­long the feel­ing of full­ness. It is espe­cial­ly abun­dant in fruits, veg­eta­bles, nuts, legumes and whole grains. Unfla­vored yogurt will help main­tain a healthy intesti­nal micro­bio­me and main­tain nor­mal pro­tein lev­els.

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