The most incredible transformation at 30 years old: after 6 months the UFC fighter is unrecognizable, see for yourself

Michael Chan­dler pre­pared thor­ough­ly for the fight with Dustin Poiri­er.

Amer­i­can mixed mar­tial arts fight­er Michael Chan­dler could nev­er be accused of being in bad shape: the ath­lete con­stant­ly trains and improves his body. But you must admit that it is sim­ply impos­si­ble to keep your­self at the peak of your capa­bil­i­ties and relief all the time. Dur­ing breaks between major com­pe­ti­tions, even top ath­letes give them­selves a chance to relax and slight­ly let go of con­trol over the sit­u­a­tion and their dice.

The fight between Chan­dler and Poiri­er was offi­cial­ly announced in Sep­tem­ber — Michael had 2 months to reach his peak form. Pho­tos, pre­sent­ed ESPN show the dif­fer­ence Chan­dler had to over­come.

Michael Chandler's transformation

Photo VS reality

It’s impos­si­ble to walk around with a six-pack all the time – Chandler’s fans know this, and they imme­di­ate­ly stood up for the fight­er and his fig­ure. Many not­ed that the first “before” pho­to sim­ply turned out poor­ly.

Here are a few rules for getting the perfect abs in your photo.

Use the pumping method

Do 15–20 intense abdom­i­nal exer­cis­es — the mus­cles will be filled with blood and will look more promi­nent.

Stand away from the light source

Do not take pic­tures strict­ly in the direc­tion of the sun, move to the left or right, turn side­ways to the sun — some kind of relief will def­i­nite­ly appear.

Get a beautiful tan

Take pic­tures at the end of your vaca­tion — with a tan, the mus­cles become visu­al­ly more promi­nent and defined. The main thing is that the relief does not have a buf­fet effect.

Keep your back

Your abs won’t show off if you slouch. Straight­en your shoul­ders and stand up straight.


In the lit­er­al sense — exhale while the cam­era clicks, so your abdom­i­nal mus­cles will be vis­i­ble even bet­ter.

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