Just One Step Helped This Man Lose 10kg: You Can Too

He was faced with the most com­mon prob­lem: sup­pos­ed­ly eat­ing right, the guy began to gain weight rather than lose it. But every­thing changed when he cor­rect­ed one sin­gle mis­take.

“Healthy diet”

The man tried to build mus­cle through prop­er nutri­tion: he had his own “healthy diet,” but at the same time Kapoor overeat­ed and, as a result, returned to his orig­i­nal state. The fact is that the man thought that he could eat a pot of rice, a whole chick­en breast, wash it down with a pro­tein shake and con­sid­er the mis­sion accom­plished — he “eats right.”

But every­thing changed when he saw how many calo­ries his “healthy” diet actu­al­ly con­tained. The man began to mon­i­tor the pro­por­tion of KBZHU, and also take into account macroele­ments. He elim­i­nat­ed high-calo­rie foods and filled the refrig­er­a­tor with veg­eta­bles, fruits, and fish.

What did his diet look like?

  • Break­fast: omelet with spinach
  • Snack 1: Fruit (more carbs)
  • Lunch: coleslaw with chick­en
  • Snack 2: Dried meat (more pro­tein)
  • Din­ner: fish and, for exam­ple, pota­toes
Man in the gym


In com­bi­na­tion with reg­u­lar strength train­ing and car­dio (15 thou­sand steps per day), in 6 months Kush lost 10 kilo­grams of total weight, while gain­ing more than 5 kilo­grams of mus­cle. The man’s body fat per­cent­age dropped to 17.3%.

Friendly advice

“Don’t com­pare your­self to oth­ers. Track your progress, mon­i­tor your progress, and be proud of your­self. You will always find some­one thin­ner, slim­mer, but this will not help you achieve results. You will be hap­py if you focus on your own path.”

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