4 Types of Protein Supplements That Really Work

We tell you which sources of addi­tion­al pro­tein to choose.

The source is not as impor­tant as the total amount of pro­tein con­sumed. If you get enough of it from reg­u­lar foods: meat, milk, eggs, cheese, cot­tage cheese, fish, there is no need for addi­tion­al intake. If, for some rea­son, dif­fi­cul­ties arise with this, use addi­tion­al sources.

The main sources of dietary pro­tein sup­ple­ments are:

Milk based products

  • serum
  • casein,

Products of plant origin

  • soy and
  • pea pro­tein.

Whey is the gold stan­dard of pro­tein sup­ple­ments because it is eas­i­ly digestible, quick­ly absorbed, and has a pow­er­ful effect on pro­tein syn­the­sis. The ratio­nale for its effec­tive­ness is the pres­ence of leucine, which has the great­est effect on pro­tein syn­the­sis and mus­cle growth. Casein is anoth­er great pro­tein sup­ple­ment due to its slow­er diges­tion rate, which pre­vents mus­cle break­down, espe­cial­ly at night. Both soy and pea pro­teins are very good sources of pro­tein, but have been shown to be less effec­tive than whey pro­tein due to their low­er leucine con­tent.

Should you eat carbohydrates with protein?

To max­i­mize mus­cle growth through pro­tein syn­the­sis, you do not need to eat car­bo­hy­drates with pro­tein because car­bo­hy­drates do not increase pro­tein pro­duc­tion. How­ev­er, post-work­out car­bo­hy­drates can be very ben­e­fi­cial for recov­ery after going to the gym, as they replen­ish glyco­gen stores.

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