How to lose weight quickly: the doctor named the best time for breakfast and dinner

She told us what else those los­ing weight should pay atten­tion to.

Los­ing weight is a long and com­plex process that is sim­ply impos­si­ble with­out the right habits. Can­di­date of Med­ical Sci­ences, senior researcher at the Fac­ul­ty of Fun­da­men­tal Med­i­cine of Moscow State Uni­ver­si­ty Zukhra Pavlo­va told how not to harm your health and achieve an ide­al weight.

Breakfast and dinner times

Accord­ing to the doc­tor, it is bet­ter to choose a spe­cif­ic time for brew­ing, lunch and din­ner and try to eat dur­ing these inter­vals. She explained that this is “one of the meth­ods that helps reduce the amount of food and save you from excess calo­ries.” More­over, it is very impor­tant to set bound­aries for morn­ing and evening meals. For exam­ple, it is bet­ter to have break­fast in the first 30–40 min­utes after wak­ing up, and have din­ner 3–4 hours before bed­time, but not lat­er.

Two more important rules

Don’t for­get about the impor­tance of phys­i­cal activ­i­ty: reg­u­lar exer­cise will also help you get rid of extra pounds.

And also grad­u­al­ly reduce the amount of food. The endocri­nol­o­gist clar­i­fied that this will pro­tect you from a life­long strug­gle with excess weight, and will also reduce your costs for med­ica­tions and con­sul­ta­tions.

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