Why the world’s most famous strongman Hafthor Bjornsson gave up on cardio and returned to iron

Pre­vi­ous­ly, the pow­er­lifter lost 50 kilo­grams to become a pro­fes­sion­al box­er.

Remem­ber The Moun­tain from Game of Thrones? He is Hafthor Bjorns­son, he is also a five-time hold­er of the title “strongest man in Europe”, and then the whole world. In 2020, Bjorns­son end­ed his heavy­weight career and began box­ing train­ing, los­ing weight. It took him almost a year and a half to trans­form the moun­tain of mus­cles into “tight ropes.” How­ev­er, in one of his lat­est videos, Hafthor announced his new goals — and there is no place for car­dio train­ing.

“I’m not a fan of car­dio, I think that was clear from the very begin­ning.”

Hafthor Bjorns­son has decid­ed to retire from box­ing and no longer com­pete. The ath­lete devot­ed 2.5 years to box­ing — Gora start­ed prac­ti­cal­ly from scratch, which makes his break­through spe­cial. “Many peo­ple didn’t believe in me. But that’s nor­mal — every­one starts some­where. I was new to box­ing, but I proved through hard work that I was some­thing to be proud of.” Bjorns­son defeat­ed his for­mer col­league in a box­ing match — per­haps it was the tough­est fight in his­to­ry, despite the fact that the fight­ers had to lose a lot of weight.

Hafthor Bjornsson’s new goals

  • Break one of his own world records, set in 2019 at the Arnold Clas­sic. Then he pulled 474 kilo­grams in the straps on the long Ele­phant bar.
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  • Return to your true pas­sion — lift­ing iron. Yes, Hafthor Bjorns­son is head­ing back to pow­er­lift­ing. His next goal is to lift a total of 1,000 kilo­grams in the squat, bench press and dead­lift.

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