Zac Efron pumped up beyond recognition for a new role: you’ve never seen an actor like this

Efron will play Amer­i­can wrestler Kevin von Erich: the peak of his career was in the 60s of the last cen­tu­ry.

35-year-old Zac Efron, the hero of melo­dra­mas and roman­tic come­dies, is now unrec­og­niz­able. The actor was spot­ted on the set walk­ing around in just a tow­el — Efron showed off his toned tor­so for his new role as a wrestler in the film Iron Claw. Mus­cles are not hair, you can build them up, but the actor still had to wear a wig to look like the leg­endary wrestler.

Zac Efron stars in the dra­ma Iron Claw: the film tells the sto­ry of the Von Erich fam­i­ly of Texas wrestlers, who cre­at­ed an entire dynasty of ath­letes in the 60s of the last cen­tu­ry. The Von Erichs were not­ed in his­to­ry not only for their sport­ing achieve­ments, but also for a series of tragedies that haunt­ed their fam­i­ly: four broth­ers of Kevin, the main char­ac­ter of the film, died trag­i­cal­ly at a young age. Ker­ry, Mike and David com­mit­ted sui­cide, and Jack died in an acci­dent as a child.

The Iron Claw is the name of a wrestling move that was often used by mem­bers of the Von Erich fam­i­ly. Dur­ing the tech­nique, the attack­er places one hand behind the top of the oppo­nen­t’s head and press­es his fin­gers into his skull, apply­ing pres­sure from five points at once.

Men Today already wrote about Zac Efron’s trans­for­ma­tions: the actor’s jaw became square, and many fans decid­ed that Efron went under the plas­tic sur­geon’s knife. How­ev­er, the actor told the truth: their face changed due to an acci­dent. It turned out that Zach had shat­tered his jaw when he hit his chin on a gran­ite foun­tain. It was after the recov­ery peri­od that the low­er part of the actor’s face became more mas­sive due to the swollen mas­ti­ca­to­ry mus­cles.

More on the topic:

Why does Zac Efron now have a “square” face: ter­ri­ble grief dis­fig­ured the Hol­ly­wood hand­some man

The blog­ger com­plete­ly repeat­ed Zac Efron’s work­out and shared the result

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