What you need to do to lose weight first: the secret of an ideal environment to lose weight

Los­ing weight is not just about food. Every­thing around you influ­ences your dietary deci­sions. Pre­pare and cre­ate a favor­able envi­ron­ment for the best start.

If you con­trol your envi­ron­ment, you con­trol what you eat and there­fore con­trol your weight.

Does the environment contribute to weight gain?

The envi­ron­ment is the invis­i­ble side that shapes your behav­ior. There­fore, before chang­ing any­thing in your­self, it is eas­i­er to change the exter­nal con­di­tions to which you will begin to adapt. If the envi­ron­ment pro­motes overeat­ing, then overeat­ing is almost inevitable.

There are two types of envi­ron­ments to con­sid­er:

Exter­nal — the phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment around you

  1. Exter­nal — the phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment around you
  2. Inter­nal — your think­ing and habits

What is the external environment?

The exter­nal envi­ron­ment can be any­thing from your room to your home to the street to your own city. There are var­i­ous com­po­nents in this exter­nal envi­ron­ment.


The home starts with the kitchen, one of the most impor­tant envi­ron­ments where build­ing healthy habits begins.

  • Sub­trac­tion
  1. Throw away or donate foods that will not con­tribute to weight con­trol and health man­age­ment. Go through your kitchen or wher­ev­er you store food to clean the house.
  2. If there are sev­er­al foods that you decide to keep, lim­it the quan­ti­ty or store them out of sight.
  3. If you have a fam­i­ly mem­ber who brings tempt­ing food into your home, ask him not to do so and per­haps eat it out­side the house if he real­ly wants to enjoy it. To suc­cess­ful­ly lose weight, it is impor­tant to seek sup­port from your fam­i­ly mem­bers. Remov­ing tempt­ing foods from your sight is one way to sup­port you.
  • Replace­ment
  1. Once you’ve erad­i­cat­ed these foods from your kitchen, it’s impor­tant to replace them with foods that will sup­port your weight loss goals and pro­vide your body with opti­mal nutri­tion.
  2. Keep only the health­i­est foods in sight. Visu­al cues are the most pow­er­ful.
  • Reduce your avail­able food choic­es. Too much food choice encour­ages you to overeat.
  • Keep your kitchen clean

Research has shown that unclean kitchens are asso­ci­at­ed with poor eat­ing habits and more uncon­trolled eat­ing. This is thought to be part­ly caused by stress. A messy kitchen is stress­ful, and stress is the moti­va­tor for food for most peo­ple.


  • Take food with you

If you have a healthy lunch in your bag, you’ll be less like­ly to go out to eat or vis­it the snack vend­ing machine.

  • Office rit­u­als

When you’re at the office, there’s almost always a birth­day, hol­i­day, or some oth­er rea­son why piz­za, choco­late, and can­dy end up on the tables. You can eat ahead of time so you don’t feel too hun­gry and take a small bite from the com­mu­nal table, or you can bring your own healthy snacks.

Food on the road

  1. Your per­son­al car is also your envi­ron­ment. Keep it clean and, just like in the kitchen, leave only healthy snacks.
  2. Eat before your trip so you are not tempt­ed to make unhealthy choic­es.
  3. If you know you’ll be snack­ing along the way, it’s best to plan your route in advance so you know exact­ly what you’ll have along the way. This could be a famil­iar store or cafe with a menu you know. Plan­ning your menu in advance will reduce the like­li­hood of choos­ing high-calo­rie dish­es.

Assess your urban environment


  • How many fast food restau­rants are there on your street?
  • How far is take­away from your home?
  • Is there a gym on your street?
  • Is there a park on your street?
  • Do you have a walk­ing path near your home?


  • Does your city sup­port a healthy lifestyle?
  • Is there a bike lane on the roads?
  • Are there exer­cise machines in the parks?
  • How many swim­ming pools are there in your city?
  • Does your city sup­port the health of women and chil­dren?

People who surround you

We are ran­dom­ly influ­enced by the peo­ple around us. We some­how adapt the habits of the peo­ple who live with us.

It is nec­es­sary to open­ly express your need to change towards a healthy lifestyle and offer to share this respon­si­bil­i­ty with the per­son who lives with you. In a cir­cle of like-mind­ed peo­ple, goals are achieved much faster and more effec­tive­ly.

This trans­for­ma­tion requires thought, effort and plan­ning, but it is worth it. You can start with one thing, and the rest of the envi­ron­ments will fol­low.


Top 11 healthy habits for suc­cess­ful weight loss

How do you know if the diet you’ve cho­sen is right for you?

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