What position should you sleep in to lose weight faster: check yourself

Los­ing weight is a com­plex process that depends on many fac­tors. Thus, extra pounds can appear due to an improp­er diet, a seden­tary lifestyle, and even due to poor qual­i­ty sleep.

Let’s take a clos­er look.

Let’s fig­ure out exact­ly how bad sleep harms your fig­ure and what type of night’s rest helps you get rid of extra pounds faster.

Not just 8 hours

Many peo­ple know that for prop­er rest a per­son needs eight hours of sleep, but most peo­ple for­get that they need to sleep with­in a cer­tain peri­od. So, it’s bet­ter to leave to rest no lat­er than 22:00. More­over, this time was not cho­sen by chance, since after 10 pm the body begins to pro­duce the sleep hor­mone, mela­tonin.

Should I sleep or not?

If you don’t get enough sleep on week­days and expect to be ful­ly rest­ed on week­ends, it will most like­ly be more dif­fi­cult for you to lose weight. In fact, sleep­ing too much is just as bad as sleep­ing too lit­tle. It’s bet­ter not to lie in bed for more than eight hours: dur­ing this time you will gain ener­gy and force your body to work prop­er­ly, which will ulti­mate­ly help you lose weight.

What position should you sleep in?

The posi­tion in which you sleep is impor­tant for los­ing weight. Doc­tors believe that the best option would be a posi­tion on the back, in which the neck and spine will not be loaded.

How­ev­er, peo­ple suf­fer­ing from apnea or snor­ing are not rec­om­mend­ed to sleep like this. It is bet­ter to lie on your side in the fetal posi­tion.

Also, to sleep bet­ter, do not for­get to ven­ti­late the room before going to bed and close the win­dows with opaque cur­tains.

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