5 tips from a psychologist to help you lose weight and become happy

An unusu­al approach to diet that pro­duces results.

If you want to lose weight, don’t rush into a crash diet or hire a per­son­al train­er. Psy­chol­o­gist Gali­na Rus­nak is sure that the first thing you need to do is find the rea­son for weight gain, and only then choose a weight loss strat­e­gy.

Why do people gain weight?

“First you need to under­stand when excess weight appeared,” says the spe­cial­ist. — It is advis­able to try to remem­ber exact­ly when you began to gain weight and what you were think­ing about at that moment. Most like­ly, then some­thing did not go as planned. For exam­ple, you become offend­ed more often. Even if there were rea­sons for this, try your best to nev­er do this again if you want to regain your slim­ness.”

When you gain weight, your brain can adapt to the sit­u­a­tion and begin to per­ceive your new fig­ure pos­i­tive­ly, deceiv­ing you. Accord­ing to Rus­nak, this is one way to feel safe and pro­tect­ed from neg­a­tiv­i­ty.

“Fre­quent com­pan­ions in such cas­es are increased anx­i­ety and fear. It hap­pens that a girl wants to stand out from the crowd, to be bright despite her nat­ur­al char­ac­ter­is­tics. The desire can be so strong that it adds a cou­ple of dozen extra pounds. In this case, it is sim­ply impos­si­ble to remain unno­ticed,” the psy­chol­o­gist added.

Always plan to lose weight

How to prepare for weight loss?

When you decide to lose weight, the main thing is to set a spe­cif­ic goal. You need to make a plan and decide how many pounds you want to lose and in how long. And answer the ques­tion of what will change when this hap­pens. It’s best to write down the answers on paper and check after a few days whether you real­ly want it.

“When los­ing weight, you def­i­nite­ly need to look for emo­tions not relat­ed to food. The more inter­est­ing and event­ful life is, the less the need to pam­per your­self with treats. It is bet­ter to spend this mon­ey not on deli­cious food, but on emo­tions. For exam­ple, any changes in appear­ance are the key to a good mood.

Also, don’t be afraid of change. When a per­son has been over­weight for more than one year, he per­ceives this as the norm for him­self and sub­con­scious­ly believes that los­ing weight means ceas­ing to be him­self. In this case, you should imag­ine your­self in a slim body as often as pos­si­ble,” the expert con­clud­ed.

If you’re try­ing to lose weight, learn how to quick­ly mea­sure your body fat per­cent­age. And also how to prop­er­ly keep a weight loss diary.

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