Adams: ‘Southampton will always play a part in our lives and especially my daughter’

SAINTS for­ward Che Adams insists the club and city will “always play a part” in his life and the lives of his fam­i­ly.

The 27 year old is out of con­tract this sum­mer and has so far not signed a deal offered to him by Saints last year.

Adams has always reit­er­at­ed his focus is pure­ly on com­plet­ing the sea­son and help­ing them get back to the Pre­mier League. 

The strik­er arrived from Birm­ing­ham City five years ago and became a father for the first time in 2022 while liv­ing in Hamp­shire. 

His future remains unclear with just 10 league games to go, but his 10 Cham­pi­onship goals have helped the club stay in reach of the top two. 

Speak­ing to the Saints match­day pro­gramme, Adams said: “When your kid is born there and you’ve had most of your life and your foot­ball down there, it’s always spe­cial.

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“Southamp­ton will always play a part in our lives and espe­cial­ly my daugh­ter’s life. A club like Southamp­ton is a Pre­mier League team.

“Any team that’s come here this sea­son can see how well estab­lished and how big the club is, in terms of fan­base and in terms of the staff around the place as well.

“It’s a Pre­mier League club. For me per­son­al­ly, it’s just about — and I said it in a state­ment at the end of last sea­son — get­ting the club back to where it should be again because that’s where we deserve to be.”

He added: “In this league it’s relent­less. We have to keep win­ning games and keep build­ing. Momen­tum is going to be huge.

Daily Echo: Che Adams has six goals in his last 11 league appearancesChe Adams has six goals in his last 11 league appear­ances

“We’ve seen with the pre­vi­ous 25 we went unbeat­en so there’s no rea­son why we can’t do it again. Every game is going to be mas­sive and we can’t afford to drop points.”

Adams was among a fac­tion of play­ers who sank last cam­paign with the club hurtling towards inevitable rel­e­ga­tion out of the top flight. 

He scored as many goals in five EFL Cup match­es as he did in 28 Pre­mier League appear­ances (five) while big miss­es blight­ed his record. 

“Last sea­son, I’ve said it in past inter­views, was one of the hard­est I’ve been involved in,” he reflect­ed.

“For Rus­sell Mar­tin to come in and turn things around, it’s just a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent club and dif­fer­ent vibe as well. Every­one can see it.

“The envi­ron­ment is so good — every­one’s laugh­ing, every­one’s jok­ing, but in a seri­ous way.

“It’s cred­it to the gaffer and the coach­ing staff for cre­at­ing that buzz again around the train­ing ground and the city.”

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