Saints Foundation matchday raises £23,000 to support work in Southampton

THE Saints Foun­da­tion match­day against Sun­der­land on Sat­ur­day raised an incred­i­ble £23,000 to sup­port work in Southamp­ton.

Saints beat Sun­der­land 4–2 to make it back-to-back wins on the pitch and that win­ning spir­it con­tin­ued off the pitch too, with play­ers and fans unit­ing to sup­port the Saints Foun­da­tion.

From buck­et col­lect­ing and prize draws to hos­pi­tal­i­ty raf­fles and a 50p dona­tion from every match­day pro­gramme sold, more than £13,000 was raised by the Saints fans.

Main club part­ner also gift­ed their front-of-shirt spon­sor­ship, allow­ing Saints Foun­da­tion to be the main kit spon­sor for the after­noon.

The men’s first team also con­tributed to sup­port­ing the match­day by pro­vid­ing a dona­tion of £10,000 towards the total.

Club cap­tain Jack Stephens said: “We can see how much the Foun­da­tion means to peo­ple.”

The total doesn’t yet include any mon­ey raised by auc­tion­ing Saturday’s match-worn shirts — with updates from the club on when the auc­tions will go live.

More infor­ma­tion on those auc­tions will be avail­able on Southamp­ton’s offi­cial social media chan­nels so look out for updates regard­ing that.

The amaz­ing £23,000 raised at this year’s Foun­da­tion match­day will help across a wide range of Saints Foun­da­tion projects.

It means the char­i­ty can con­tin­ue to pro­vide life-chang­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to help the city and its com­mu­ni­ties thrive.

The first-ever Wom­en’s Saints Foun­da­tion match­day will take place on Sun­day when Southamp­ton FC Women host Read­ing at St Mary’s.

With five games remain­ing in the Wom­en’s Cham­pi­onship, it will also be a cru­cial game on the pitch as Marieanne Spacey-Cale’s side look to put pres­sure on their pro­mo­tion rivals.

Par­tic­i­pants will be wav­ing flags, form­ing a guard of hon­our, and also tak­ing part in the half-time relay on an event­ful after­noon.

There will also be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to win a fan­tas­tic prize – a framed Southamp­ton FC Women’s shirt, signed by the women’s team.

To be in with a chance of get­ting your hands on the prize, the Southamp­ton Foun­da­tion staff will be sell­ing raf­fle tick­ets around the Kings­land.

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