Exposing a popular muscle blogger: his raw meat diet turned out to be fake

The 45-year-old man him­self admit­ted that he used spe­cial sup­ple­ments to achieve a mus­cu­lar body.

Bri­an John­son — aka Liv­er King — went viral last year by post­ing videos about the ben­e­fits of the “cave­man” diet. The blog­ger claimed that he eats exclu­sive­ly raw meat, which helps him grow mus­cles. The man also denied that he uses steroids and only gains weight nat­u­ral­ly. How­ev­er the secret has become clear any­way.

Instead of boiled chicken breast and tofu, Johnson ate raw eggs, raw fish and raw meat.

John­son man­aged to gath­er an army of fol­low­ers of his strange eat­ing habits: he attrib­uted his phe­nom­e­nal results to an ascetic lifestyle based on the con­sump­tion of raw meat. The blog­ger reg­u­lar­ly showed him eat­ing raw meat and work­ing out, pro­mot­ing extreme “cave­man” train­ing meth­ods. How­ev­er, the time has come to apol­o­gize to fans: the 45-year-old man admit­ted that he had deceived users.

The jock who only ate meat

Bri­an takes testos­terone and con­tin­ues to take steroids to main­tain mus­cle mass. “I screwed up, I’m ashamed that I lied,” the blog­ger admit­ted in a new five-minute video on his chan­nel.

Click and watch

Bri­an spoke out after a pop­u­lar fit­ness expert post­ed a damn­ing video of evi­dence: Derek — that’s the expert’s name — pro­vid­ed a copy of an email describ­ing the dosages of stim­u­lant drugs the blog­ger was tak­ing.

Why did he deceive everyone?

Jock who eats raw meat

The man notes that he was con­sumed by sud­den pop­u­lar­i­ty and did not want to reveal the truth for as long as pos­si­ble. But along with uni­ver­sal recog­ni­tion, the pres­sure also increased: the image of the jock raised more and more ques­tions among neti­zens, and Bri­an had to con­fess. “You are right, yes, I took and con­tin­ue to take steroids under the super­vi­sion of an expe­ri­enced doc­tor,” the blog­ger con­clud­ed.

John­son also not­ed that he want­ed to become an exam­ple for many young peo­ple who suf­fer from low self-esteem, con­sid­er them­selves lost, weak and help­less: “I myself am one of them, I am part of this sta­tis­tic.” There­fore, the blog­ger decid­ed to take as a basis the sim­plest diet of his “ances­tors” to show that to achieve results you only need to lis­ten to your nature: eat nat­ur­al food, move and sleep. True, the man did not spec­i­fy that his “cave lifestyle” was sup­port­ed by a num­ber of med­ica­tions.

“For 20 years now, I have been eat­ing half a kilo of liv­er every day, walk­ing bare­foot, strength­en­ing myself and test­ing my body under the influ­ence of strong phys­i­cal exer­tion. I’m a hunter and a provider,” John­son explained. Pre­vi­ous­ly, we looked at the pros and cons of such a diet for the aver­age per­son.

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