How much vitamin C should you take during regular exercise?

Every­one has heard about it and every­one knows that it is need­ed, but few peo­ple under­stand why.

What to add or change in your diet to ensure you get enough of the well-known vit­a­min

What kind of fruit is this vitamin?

Vit­a­min C is a water-sol­u­ble antiox­i­dant. It pre­vents free rad­i­cal dam­age and oxida­tive dam­age, there­by con­trol­ling inflam­ma­tion. This makes it very impor­tant for the immune sys­tem.

A less­er known effect, name­ly the restora­tive effect, is what gives vit­a­min C its antiox­i­dant prop­er­ties. They are what make vit­a­min C essen­tial for the health of con­nec­tive tis­sue, ener­gy pro­duc­tion and brain func­tion: col­la­gen, car­ni­tine, tyro­sine, nor­ep­i­neph­rine, sero­tonin.

How much do athletes need?

Rec­om­mend­ed dose of vit­a­min C:
90 mg – for an adult man,
75 mg – for women

But this dosage is not suf­fi­cient for opti­mal health in reg­u­lar exer­cis­ers; they are bet­ter off con­sum­ing 120–200 mg per day. How­ev­er, more is not always bet­ter. Inflam­ma­tion is a nat­ur­al part of mus­cle recov­ery. Thus, sup­press­ing inflam­ma­tion too much sab­o­tages mus­cle growth and adap­ta­tion to train­ing.


1 gram of vit­a­min C, at least when com­bined with a hefty dose of vit­a­min E, has been found to impact mus­cle ana­bol­ic sig­nal­ing, strength devel­op­ment, and long-term mus­cle growth.

Although vit­a­min C is almost com­plete­ly non-tox­ic, tak­ing more than one gram of it dai­ly (from sup­ple­ments) can cause indi­rect health prob­lems:

hype­r­uri­co­suria (increased uric acid in the blood), hyper­ox­aluria (increased oxal­ic acid in the blood.

Food Sources of Vitamin C

Main­ly include fruits and veg­eta­bles. Excel­lent sources include aspara­gus, papaya, orange, orange juice, can­taloupe, cau­li­flower, broc­coli, Brus­sels sprouts, green pep­pers, grape­fruit, grape­fruit juice, kale, lemon and straw­ber­ries.

What do athletes eat?

In every­day life, if your diet con­tains sev­er­al serv­ings of plant foods every day, then you will be pro­vid­ed with vit­a­min C. Its defi­cien­cy occurs only with the most mea­ger diets.

Giv­en the neg­a­tive con­se­quences of exces­sive vit­a­min C con­sump­tion, healthy peo­ple do not need to sup­ple­ment their diet with it. The main rule of thumb is to eat fruits or veg­eta­bles and then you won’t have to wor­ry about vit­a­min C.

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