Saints Championship fixture against Preston handed new date

SOUTHAMPTON’S fix­ture against Pre­ston North End will now be played on Tues­day, April 16, with a kick-off of 7:45pm. 

Rus­sell Mar­t­in’s side were sched­uled to host the Lily­whites at St Mary’s Sta­di­um last Wednes­day evening.

How­ev­er, a fire in the St Mary’s indus­tri­al estate caused the game to be called off hours before kick-off after the club con­sult­ed with the local author­i­ties and emer­gency ser­vices.

A state­ment on the club’s web­site has con­firmed that all tick­ets bought for the orig­i­nal match will remain valid.

More tick­ets are still avail­able for the Cham­pi­onship clash which will take place between Southamp­ton’s home tie against Wat­ford and trip to Cardiff City.

READ MORE:  Saints fans can get a dig­i­tal sub­scrip­tion for just £4 for four months

Mar­t­in’s Saints cur­rent­ly sit fourth in the Cham­pi­onship, six points out­side the auto­mat­ic spots, ahead of a tight pro­mo­tion run-in.

They will not play anoth­er league fix­ture until Fri­day, March 29, when they take on Mid­dles­brough, due to their arranged game against Leices­ter City being moved. 

Southamp­ton will now head to the King Pow­er Sta­di­um on Tues­day, April 23, with a 7:45pm kick-off con­firmed.

Pre­ston sit ninth in the Cham­pi­onship, five points behind Mar­t­in’s for­mer side Nor­wich, who occu­py the final play­off spot.

Saints secured a dra­mat­ic injury-time draw when they vis­it­ed Deep­dale ear­li­er this sea­son, with goal­keep­er Gavin Bazunu forc­ing a Ched Evans own goal in the dying embers. 

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